What is gastroesophageal reflux?

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The risk of fungal infections in swimming pools


In places like swimming pools the fungal infections are very common because of the large crowding of people in the water, but also because of certain favorable conditions such as higher levels of humidity and temperatures.
In short, even if you go there for sports or recreation you should consider the risk of infections such as otitis, eye infections, skin fungal infections, or even warts.


Different types of otitis have different causes, modes of onset and symptoms, but under no circumstances should they be neglected.
An inflammation of the outer ear is painful; it may be caused by an infection.
It typically occurs especially in the summertime as a result of continuous immersion in the sea or swimming pool, which can sometimes cause microorganisms to take root in the ear canal. If the ear is aching, even undergoing the reflexes of chewing, it means there is an infection and water immersion should be stopped and antibiotic treatment, generally resolving.

Infections of the eye

The most common eye infections frequently found in water arestye, conjunctivitis, or those affecting the eyelids.
Conjunctivitis can be of various natures, viral, bacterial, allergic; correct diagnosis is important for effective treatment.
Skin infections due to pathogenic fungi, microorganisms capable of harboring in plants, animals and even humans, from which they draw vital substances necessary for their survival.
They, depending on the type to which they belong, take root on the skin by feeding on the keratin produced by the skin as well as by the hair and hair, or they may prefer different areas of the skin or mucous membranes, finding as a favorable factor the moisture of the skin or the most hidden recesses such as the spaces between the toes or the folds of the limbs.
Predisposing factors for fungal infections may be prolonged antibiotic therapies, diabetes mellitus, excessive use of skin cleansers, or immune-decreasing drugs.

Skin mycoses

Mycoses should be treated promptly to prevent them from spreading to other parts of the body or passing from person to person.
Fungal infections are particularly prevalent in swimming pools, gyms, locker rooms, showers, saunas, and spas, so care should be taken to avoid sitting on potentially exposed surfaces or walking barefoot in particularly high-risk environments.
If warts are not treated, they can move from one site to another in the same person (self-contagious). There are various types of warts based on appearance and location:

  • common warts spread by direct contact, are located on the fingers or toes.
  • Warts located on the soles of the feet are more easily transmitted, cause pain when walking, and can take on the appearance of more flattened corns.


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