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Laser treatment or Radiofrequency to treat Cellulite?


Cellulite more specifically affects areas of the female body such as buttocks, thighs and waist, originating from the subcutaneous connective tissue, which can give rise to that dimple effect with wrinkled skin typical of cellulite.
Different anti-cellulite treatments are resorted to because of those unsightly dimples that are present regardless of a person’s build or weight.
The hormones, estrogen, along with other factors may be responsible for the development of cellulite and its blemishes. At certain stages of women’s lives, such as during pregnancy, or even during a hormonal imbalance, cellulite can position itself on the thighs and buttocks.

There are several proposals for treating cellulite and many promises of quick resolution, but because it affects the skin deeply, it must be considered that the various treatments must prove their effectiveness against a difficult problem to solve.

Laser treatment:

Several types of laser treatments are used to treat cellulite. During a minimally invasive laser treatment. Basically, the laser goes to break up the resistant subcutaneous bands where the cellulosic fat is located.
The use of lasers can result in thickening of the skin where cellulite had made it thinner.
In practice, thickened skin can reduce the appearance of cellulite.
A laser treatment should be performed in a sterile environment, under the supervision of an experienced physician, also because of the need for a little local anesthesia.
Laser treatment, which is certainly preferable to liposuction because it does not involve surgery, can succeed in regressing or reducing cellulite blemishes sometimes for a long time, making the skin appear more even and dimple-free.
However, it does not completely rule out the recurrence of cellulite, which due to genetic factors or family history tends to recur.

In addition, it should be mentioned that these treatments must always be accompanied by a proper lifestyle, where specific diets, massages that enhance lymphatic drainage, and even supportive supplements come into play.

Radiofrequency treatment:

It is a treatment that relies on the use of electromagnetic current, which acts on the tissues by “heating” the parts affected by cellulite, stimulating collagen production and also improving circulation due to heat-induced vasodilation.
This is a noninvasive technique that can treat cellulite blemishes while avoiding exposing people to the risks involved in other treatments such as surgery.
Following radiofrequency treatment, bruising may become evident and disappear in a short time.
Radiofrequency is now preferred over other types of treatment because it is noninvasive, is completely painless, and also seems to promise more convincing results in terms of even, better-looking skin that seem to last even a few years later, especially when a few booster sessions are practiced.
A treatment for Cellulite is usually based on about ten sessions or less depending on the application to be performed.
The type of treatment aimed at improving facial areas concerns Aesthetic Radiofrequency, while the one aimed at treating Cellulite concerns Medical Radiofrequency, the difference between the two treatments is given by the intensity of the committed energy.
Avoid undergoing treatment when performed by nonmedical personnel.


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