Wisdom tooth: symptoms and treatment

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The risk of fungal infections in swimming pools

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Eye injuries


Eye injuries are serious, as they can lead to vision loss or infection. It is, therefore, important to seek advice from an ophthalmologist.

Penetrating injuries

Many penetrating lesions are evident. It is necessary to suspect a penetrating injury whenever a laceration is observed or a cut on the eyelid.

What to do?

  1. You don’t have to remove objects stuck in the eye for any reason.
  2. Protect the eye with padding around the object.
  3. Covering the eye healthy with a bandage to prevent movement of the damaged eye.

Ocular trauma

In the case of ocular trauma, apply a ice pack for 15 minutes to reduce swelling and the pain. It is necessary for the patient to visit the ophthalmologist in case of pain or reduced vision.

Eye and eyelid cuts

In the case of cuts, it is necessary to bandage both the eyes and do not apply pressure to the injured eye, as this may damage to vision.

Chemical burns

Alkalis can often cause more serious damage than acids, in that they penetrate deeply and act longer. If we are talking about alkali we are talking about dry cleaners, detergents, cement, Ammonia, gypsum, and caustic soda. The most common acids, on the other hand, are: acids nitric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and acetic acid. The damage can be verify within 5 minutes, so it is very important to be quick in the removal of the chemical.

Avulsion of the eye

A strong blow to the eye can cause the spillage of the eye itself from the cavity. First, it is important to cover the eye with a moist dressing and protect it with a folded paper cup or cardboard. Cover the healthy eye with an eye patch to block movement of the injured eye.

Foreign bodies

Ocular foreign bodies are the most frequent cause of ocular injury.

What to do?

  1. Prevent the patient rubs his eye and prevent him from removing the foreign body.
  2. Lift the upper eyelid over the lower one and allow the tears to carry away the object inside the eye. If the object stays inside, keep the eye closed.
  3. Trying to extract the object by rinsing with warm water. Keep eyelids open and move the eye while rinsing.
  4. If the object is visible, try to remove it with sterile gauze or a damp cloth and clean.

Light burn

Light burns are caused by light ultraviolet and pain develops a few hours after exposure. It is necessary to cover the eyes with a cold compress, and if the pain persists taking a painkiller.

Contact Lenses

If a patient has an eye injury and wears contact lenses, they should remove them immediately.

Source: Mediserve‘s Pocket Guide to First Aid.


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