Eat right and tasteful–always!

Whatever type of diet you follow, the advice is to always avoid excess. This is because, too often, we are unable to give up fatty food, full of sugars, salt,

Functional gastrointestinal disorders

Medicine, accustomed as it is to conventions and classifications, distinguishes diseases into organic and functional. The former are those associated with actual damage: this is the case, for example, with

Cranberry botanical fact sheet

Taxonomy Blueberry is the name for several wild shrub species in the genus vaccinium, including cranberry. These are semiligneous shrubs with oval leaves and white or pink pendulous flowers. The

Dyslipidemia: dietary advice


Dyslipidemias have been classified according to the type of excess lipoprotein particles in the blood. We can distinguish hyperlipidemia with high cholesterol in LDL and normal triglyceridemia. Treatment of dyslipidemia can be pharmacological and nonpharmacological. The latter involves regular diet and muscle exercise, which should also be practiced at all times to improve the effectiveness of the drugs administered.

Tips dietary

Dietary treatment of hyperlipidemia is very important, as it can normalize the lipidemic picture or improve pharmacological efficacy. The diet includes a total fat intake of no more than 30 percent of total calories. In particular, saturated fatty acids such as butter, lard, cream, lard, cheese, fatty meats and sausages should not exceed 8-10% of total calories. Monounsaturated fatty acids, particularly extra virgin olive oil, should be preferred as they reduce LDL cholesterol. As for, however, the Ac. Polyunsaturated fats, Omega 6 reduces serum cholesterol concentrations, while Omega 3 has a good hypotriglyceridemic effect. Cholestrerol-rich foods, such as eggs and shellfish, should be reduced. A diet rich in plant fiber is helpful in these cases.

Source: Handbook of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition by Franco Contaldo et al.


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