2. Origin of plants on earth

Today's extant plant forms reflect a complex evolutionary "work" that has taken place over more than 400 million years, during which plants have deployed cunning strategies to be able to adapt to various types of environments, managing to survive and reproduce even in the most climatically severe places.

Inadequate nutrition?

A proper diet that is complete in terms of the nutritional components of foods, with the right levels of sugars, and based on non-harmful products will ensure proper daily energy.

8. Plants and nutrition

Despite the fact that most human beings do not adopt a strictly vegetarian diet, plants in the diet are not only plentiful, but are consumed in all their parts, even the most unusual ones, from root to flower!

Can Cellulite be prevented? Lifestyles, diet regimen and remedies


While Cellulite is not a condition caused by circulating toxins, there is no doubt that a healthy lifestyle can help reduce the risk of the onset of the condition.
People accustomed to a diet based on little fiber, few vegetables, fruits, too much fat, and a lot of fluid-retaining salt are more likely to be at risk for cellulite.
So do people who do no physical activity and sit for hours, smoke, or wear tight underwear that restricts circulation.
Having more balanced lifestyle habits does not give the assurance of not being affected by cellulite in the future, but it is a valuable preventive action to minimize the damage of its possible onset.

Then how to prevent Cellulite blemishes ?

  • Doing exercise, helps consume fat and strengthen muscles, as well as making those who do it feel good, improving overall fitness.
  • Eliminate or reduce sugars, processed and added foods with preservatives and sugars, which cause the accumulation of fat and toxins responsible for weight gain, a factor that promotes the development of cellulite.
  • Drink plenty of water so as to maintain sufficient hydration, which defends cells from toxins and does not promote increased disease.
  • Always refer to your primary care physician and avoid paying attention to those who promise quick and radical solutions that are often harmful and dangerous to your health.


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