Experts from the Grana Padano Nutrition Observatory (Ogp) to coincide with the resumption of school studies have investigated the eating habits of 500 school-age females and males, estimating the number of daily meals and total intake of daily macronutrients (protein, carbohydrates, and lipids) to make dietary suggestions that can improve the state nutrition of children. The study shows that as age increases, the number of meals decreases, and in particular the number of meals goes from the 5% Of children who do not eat breakfast in the under-6 age group at the 20% of 14- to 17-year-olds, despite the fact that the first meal of the day is crucial for them to cope with the morning’s study hours. The decrease in the number of daily meals increases with increasing age, ranging from 4.2% of children under 6 years old having only 3 daily meals to 22.1% over 14 years old. As people get older, they tend to lose the snack eo habit, which is 100% present in younger children.
Expert advice
To improve the nutrition of toddlers, experts from the Observatory have compiled 5 tips that should be strictly followed to feed children in the right way. Here they are:
- Breakfast: is an important meal and should never be skipped, we recommend a carbohydrate portion (complex sugars needed by the brain) such as bread or rusk or cereal, preferably whole grain, with milk or yogurt. A small amount of jam or honey can also be used for spreading or to sweeten drinks.
- Snacks/meal: prefer fresh seasonal fruit, or a low-fat yogurt including fruit, in some cases salty snacks, bread and cheese can also be recommended, especially if the kid has to sustain physical activity.
- Fruits and vegetables: consume 3 servings of fruits and 2 servings of vegetables daily to ensure vitamins, minerals and the right amount of fiber.
- Sweets: in moderation, ice cream or pastries once a week, limit added sugar and sugary drinks, prefer smoot hies or juices, drink only water at the table.
- Fish: at least two to three times a week, ideally cooked simply, steamed or baked.
- Nuts: walnuts, almonds hazelnuts, contain Omega 3 fats, 10-20 grams daily as a snack.