Among the cheerful colors of summer fruits prevails among many that beautiful deep red ofwatermelon, which is given by lycopene, an antioxidant contained in the pulp. When we want a watermelon with lots of lycopene let’s look for ones with a bright red color, rather than those with an orange or yellowish color.
Watermelon has more nutrients in it than many other fruits or even vegetables and is a valuable aid inlowering metabolic (Diabetes) and cancer (Cancer)risk.
When a lot of lycopene is present, the amount of seeds present is lower. The lycopene in watermelon is also a good skin protector during sun exposure, assisting the action of sunscreens by reducing the inconvenience of sunburn, thanks to the plant’s own protective pigments. Watermelon is truly a complete fruit.
It contains amino acids, antioxidants, pigments, vitamins, and other components that can defend the body from the pitfalls of cardiovascular, metabolic, and bone-articular diseases, and helps keep the skin fit and healthy. It has a very low number of calories, about 40 for a serving, and is full of the water that helps combat the strong heat of the summer season.