Osteoporosis: what diet to follow?

Osteoporosis mainly affects women in the post-menopausal period and is characterized by fragility of bone tissue, with high risk of fractures. Osteoporosis is the consequence of a physiological process represented

Diverticulitis: what is it?

Colonic diverticulitis is a disease of affluence, particularly prevalent in industrialized countries. At the origin of diverticular disease, in addition to some genetic predisposition, there is almost always an unbalanced

The merits of watermelon


Among the cheerful colors of summer fruits prevails among many that beautiful deep red ofwatermelon, which is given by lycopene, an antioxidant contained in the pulp. When we want a watermelon with lots of lycopene let’s look for ones with a bright red color, rather than those with an orange or yellowish color.

Watermelon has more nutrients in it than many other fruits or even vegetables and is a valuable aid inlowering metabolic (Diabetes) and cancer (Cancer)risk.

When a lot of lycopene is present, the amount of seeds present is lower. The lycopene in watermelon is also a good skin protector during sun exposure, assisting the action of sunscreens by reducing the inconvenience of sunburn, thanks to the plant’s own protective pigments. Watermelon is truly a complete fruit.

It contains amino acids, antioxidants, pigments, vitamins, and other components that can defend the body from the pitfalls of cardiovascular, metabolic, and bone-articular diseases, and helps keep the skin fit and healthy. It has a very low number of calories, about 40 for a serving, and is full of the water that helps combat the strong heat of the summer season.


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