What are the vitamins used for?

Vitamins constitute a very heterogeneous group of substances; they do not provide calories, but are indispensable for the functioning of the body. At the point when vitamins are not taken

Assessment of nutrition status

Both the medical history and the objective examination are essential for the assessment of nutrition status. It is very important to collect information on nonprescribed weight changes, adequacy of energy

Metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a set of abnormalities that can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and beyond. It is characterized through the presence of at least three of these factors:

Diverticulitis: what is it?


Colonic diverticulitis is a disease of affluence, particularly prevalent in industrialized countries.

At the origin of diverticular disease, in addition to some genetic predisposition, there is almost always an unbalanced diet, too high in fat and sugar and too low in water and fiber.

Strictly speaking, diverticulosis of the colon is not a real disease but a congenital or acquired abnormality. Only when the diverticula become inflamed, evolving into diverticulitis, does the disease show signs of itself.


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Hepatitis E

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Celiac disease

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