Bacterial infections and international travel

Having to undertake a trip, whether for business or leisure, it is necessary to gather detailed information about the places one intends to visit, considering the map of countries where the risk of exposure to "traveler's diseases" is highest.

Mindfulness and nutrition: mindful eating

The practice of Mindfulness, which is becoming increasingly popular among individuals who want to achieve a state of both physical and mental well-being for their bodies, represents a particular approach

Foods for Bones

A new video podcast by My Special Doctor curated by Dr. Maria Chiara Villa and Dr. Piercarlo Salari

Childhood obesity: two “household” risks

Sitting for too long in front of a computer screen, TV, smartphone or tablet or playing playstation, especially with a high-calorie snack in hand, puts children and adolescents’ fitness and

Metabolic syndrome


Metabolic syndrome is a set of abnormalities that can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and beyond. It is characterized through the presence of at least three of these factors: increased waist circumference, hypertriglyceridemia, reduced HDL cholesterol, increased blood pressure, and hyperglycemia. The most important pathogenetic hypothesis explaining metabolic syndrome is the0insurgence of insulin resistance related to increased circulating free fatty acids. An increase in pro-inflammatory cytokines has also been found in patients with metabolic syndrome. The increase of metabolic syndrome in the population is definitely related to obesity, sedentarism and the general aging of the population itself.

Dietary advice

Diet therapy for patients with Metabolic Syndrome aims to correct the metabolic changes present, thus obesity, insulin resistance, impaired carbohydrate tolerance, dyslipidemia, and hypertension. The diet to be followed should be low in calories and consist mainly of complex carbohydrates and low in simple sugars. Regarding fat intake, reduction of saturated fatty acids, trans fatty acids and cholesterol is necessary. Fats to be preferred include monounsaturated fats so olive oil. To improve blood pressure values, the diet must also include reducing sodium intake, keeping in mind that many of the high-fat foods are also high in sodium.

Source: Handbook of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition by Franco Contaldo et al.


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    Basic Doctors, Rheumatologists

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