Patient empowerment

“Nothing about me, without me” “Nothing I don’t know, not without me ” This is the phrase that best expresses the concept of patient empowerment in the terms of the

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Patient empowerment


Nothing about me, without me”

“Nothing I don’t know, not without me ”

This is the phrase that best expresses the concept of patient empowerment in the terms of the
Patient’s right and ability to make choices and take responsibility for the consequences of their choices…..

The Self-empowerment health education model originated in university research in multiple countries , which followed the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program developed by Stanford University’s Patient Education Research Center.

Source :

“Patient empowerment is a process that helps people gain control, through initiative, problem solving, and decision making, which can be applied in various settings in health and social care. But it is also the patient’s right and ability to make choices and take responsibility for the consequences of their choices.

“Patient empowerment─who empowers whom?” This is the title of a recent Lancet editorial[1] reporting on the first European Conference on Patient Empowerment, held in Copenhagen, Denmark, and organized by the European Network of the same name (ENOPE 2012).


The British Medical Journal also reports on the conference in its News section[2]. One definition of patient empowerment given by the conference organizers is: “a process that helps people gain control, through initiative, problem solving, and decision making, which can be applied in various contexts in health and social care.”

Recent literature, provides other definitions that, in addition to the process, take into account the goal, describing patientempowerment in terms of the
patient’s right and ability to make choices and take responsibility for the consequences of their choices
[3]. In general, the guiding principle is that of self-determination (“nothing about me, without me”)

Even in Europe, as evidenced by the Copenhagen Conference the use of this Program and the focus on patient empowerment is growing. There are now 11 European countries in which the Program is being adopted on a larger or smaller scale and with a systematic dissemination initiative ( as in the United Kingdom and Denmark ) or in a patchwork manner .In Italy , for example, it has been used by the Primary Care of many ASLs in several regions ( e.g., Tuscany, Emilia Romagna, Lombardy )

The Program and related studies have shown that informing and enhancing patient empowerment allows patients to positively influence nonfunctional disease-related behaviors.

Stanford University Stanford Patient Education Research Center Stanford University School of Medicine 1000 Welch Road, Suite 204 Palo Alto CA 94304 (650) 723-7935 voice – (650) 725-9422 fax [email protected]


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