Patient empowerment

“Nothing about me, without me” “Nothing I don’t know, not without me ” This is the phrase that best expresses the concept of patient empowerment in the terms of the

End of life Manifest signed in Rome

Interfaith Manifest of Rights in End-of-Life Pathways signed in Rome. This is the work that is the result of a particular sensitivity to interreligious dialogue in health care, in the perspective

Narrative medicine (preview)

Nowadays very often physicians identify patients no longer by their actual name, but by the room number in which they reside and perhaps the condition from which they suffer. It

Waiting lists

I was told that they are not accepting reservations until the end of December and that they do not yet have availability for the January lists. Is it true that

End of life Manifest signed in Rome


Interfaith Manifest of Rights in End-of-Life Pathways signed in Rome. This is the work that is the result of a particular sensitivity to interreligious dialogue in health care, in the perspective of a path of concrete commitments and which is translated into nine points: Right to dispose of residual time; Right to respect for one’s own religion; Right to services geared toward respect for the religious, spiritual and cultural spheres; Right to the presence of the Religious Referent or Spiritual Assistant; Right to the assistance of an intercultural mediator; Right to receive spiritual assistance even from Referents of other faiths; Right to spiritual support and relational support for oneself and one’s family members; Right to respect for pre- and post-mortem practices; Right to mutual respect.

In addition to the Promoting Group, consisting of ASL Roma 1, GMC – Catholic University of the Sacred Heart and Tavolo Interreligioso di Roma, the signatories of the Manifesto are Islamic Cultural Center of Italy, Federation of Evangelical Churches in Italy, Romanian Orthodox Diocese of Italy, Hospice Villa Speranza – Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italian Buddhist Institute Soka Gakkai, Italian Buddhist Union, Union of Italian Jewish Communities, Italian Hinduist Union, Italian Union of Seventh-day Adventist Christian Churches, Vicariate of Rome, AVO (Hospital Volunteer Association), CSV Lazio (Centro Servizio per il Volontariato), Cittadinanzattiva, a representation of the category of Social and Health Care Workers.

Source: Active Citizenship


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