Sexual desire in the various ages of life

It may seem easy to define it, but despite the many studies conducted, the composition of the structure of sexual desire, what elements make it up and to what extent they may influence it, is still unclear.

Diabetic emergencies

Diabetes is a condition in which insulin, which helps the body harness the energy within food, is absent. Excessive insulin concentration causes insulin or hyperglycemic shock. Excessive sugar contraction together

Cranberry: an aid against antibiotic resistance?

Antibiotic resistance continues to grow globally, and in Italy, the situation is among the most severe in Europe, with many fearsome bacteria now unassailable by most available antibiotics. According to

Customized cardiovascular risk calculators

For more than two decades now, cardiologists have been developing algorithms to calculate the cardiovascular risk, i.e., the probability that a person may be a victim of a heart attack

The revolution of the adolescent self

As we know, adolescence is an extremely vibrant and fruitful phase of human development in which the line between normality and pathology becomes difficult to draw.

The risk of fungal infections in swimming pools

In places such as swimming pools, fungal infections are very common because of the large number of people in the water, but also because of certain favorable conditions such as higher levels of humidity and temperatures.

Herniated disc: how to treat it

Herniated disc is also known as “herniated or prolapsed disc.” This affliction consists of a ruptured vertebral disc that, upon opening, causes disc material to leak out and compress the

Warts: what are they?


Warts are skin lesions that, depending on their location, can be distinguished into vulgar warts, when present on the body, and genital warts.

In general, vulgar warts affect the face, including the oral and nasal mucosa, hands, and feet. Genital warts, which are due to different viral strains, are also known as condylomata, and are mostly observed on the genital and perianal region, although it is not excluded that verrucas of the vulgar type may also occur in this area.

Read more.


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