Diving, the basic rules

The human body, while moving through water, swimming or diving, knows that it poses a constant danger since it cannot survive under this element except with reserves of air. Never dive alone.

Brain aneurysm: what is it?

Cerebral aneurysm is a permanent protuberance, that is, a focal dilatation of an arterial vessel in the brain at which the wall stretches, thinning and forming a bubble. It can

Herpes, an ever lurking enemy

Herpes is a hidden and quite unpredictable enemy that can occur suddenly.The infection is caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1), which is closely related to the one that causes genital herpes (HSV-2).

Muffled hearing? Checking earwax

It should be mentioned that Earwax, that yellowish, oily substance consisting of sebum and dead skin cells, has a protective function for the well-being of the ear.

What is measles?

Measles is an infectious disease caused by a virus of the genus morbillivirus (family Paramyxovidae). Highly contagious, it is a disease that is called “childhood” since-along with chickenpox, whooping cough,

What is hemoperfusion?

This is a system in which blood is brought from the patient, by arterial cannulation, into an extracorporeal circuit. The blood, before returning to the body via the venous route,

Milk scab (or childhood seborrheic dermatitis): what it is and what needs to be done


Seborrheic dermatitis is one of the most common skin conditions: it can resolve in the first year of life or instead have a chronic relapsing course (and thus recur over the years).

At the root of seborrheic dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin involving the areas of the body richest in pilo sebaceous glands (i.e., very small glands connected to the hair and producing a substance called sebum). This inflammation causes reddening of the skin and the formation of scales, which can be dry or yellowish and greasy.

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