Can you play sports with psoriasis?

The onset of psoriasis can lead to the abandonment of sports activities, as physical and psychological discomfort causes the patient to isolate himself and suspend what were previously his daily

Irritants, corrosives and caustics

There are plenty of chemicals on the market with irritating, corrosive and caustic characteristics to living tissue. Accidents can occur in both adults and children, who do not know the

Skin, let’s treat it with care

The skin is our largest organ and the body’s first line of defense against viruses, bacteria, chemicals, pollution and environmental factors. It performs essential functions such as regulation of body

Relief from itchy atopic dermatitis

If itching is caused by atopic dermatitis to relieve the discomfort and find immediate relief an emollient cream based on lipids and fatty acids should be used, which works against



Candida Albicans and other related species can result in different types of infections. Cutaneous candidiasis include the condition of eroded skin between the toes, balanines the mycosis of the nails, follicles, candidiasis around the anal area, and all other related chronic syndromes.
Candida infections affecting the mucous membranes include oral candidiasis also called “thrush,” esophageal and vaginitis.
The most severe form of candidiasis is that affecting the blood, which is classified among systemic diseases.


  • Profile picture of Dr. Giandomenico Mascheroni
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Endocrinologists, Basic Doctors, Certifying Doctor

    • Via Petrarca 53 - Carnago
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Floriana Di Martino
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors

    • Piazza della Rinascita 13 - Pescara
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Monica Calcagni
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Gynecologists, Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors

    • Via Casilina 32 - Arce
  • Profile picture of Dr. Sergio Ettore Salteri
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Basic Doctors, Chiropractors, Posturologists

    • Via Vial di Romans 8 - Cordenons
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Cinzia Maria Zurra
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Basic Doctors, Aesthetic Doctors, Nutritionists

    • Viale Rimembranze 5 - Triuggio


Kaposi’s disease

Kaposi’s disease or syndrome is an infrequent multifocal malignant neoplastic form involving mainly the skin, viscera, and mucous membranes. Epidemic Kaposi’s disease (AIDS-related). Iatrogenic Kaposi’s disease: immunosuppressive drugs are responsible.

Atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis or “atopic eczema” is a chronic inflammatory skin disease, associated with pruritus, that typically begins in the early years of life, then persisting throughout the pediatric years and


Measles is a viral infection found everywhere in the world; it is a disease that affects only humans, there are no animal reservoirs, no asymptomatic carrier status. WHO estimated there

Coronavirus infection

Actually, Coronavirus belongs to a type of viruses that can cause various diseases from simple cold to severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS). In 2019,

Shock, medical emergency

It may happen that the circulation of blood through the body undergoes a sudden change giving rise to a condition of physiological shock, with decreased flow and crisis on the

Peyronie’s or curved penis disease

Peyronie ‘s disease is a condition resulting from an abnormality of the penis due to fibrous scar tissue that appears on the penis changing its shape during erection, which becomes

Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is aninflammation of the mucosa lining the inner cavities of the nose (nasal mucosa).


Chickenpox to date remains the most prevalent vaccine-preventable disease in our country. It is transmitted airborne, person-to-person, through Pflugge droplets or by direct contact with skin lesions of patients with


Hemorrhoids are vascular structures of the anus and lower rectum that serve to maintain fecal continence. If they become swollen or inflamed, they become pathological and cause a syndrome known


Rubella is a disease caused by a virus that is transmitted from person to person by droplets from nasopharyngeal secretions. Rubella is endemic worldwide and, in the absence of specific

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