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Beware of the tick: practical tips to prevent and combat Lyme Borreliosis


Nice to dive into nature, breathing in the crisp, fragrant country or mountain air, frolicking through meadows and forests.
It is okay to do so, but always taking some precautions to avoid becoming a preferred host for the tick that transmits Lyme Borreliosis, which seeks to lurk on the skin to feed on our blood.

Certainly it would suffice to avoid areas where ticks lurk in lawns, bushes and tall grass, but if you are not going to give up your nature excursions then you need to do some healthy prevention by taking some precautions to avoid exposing yourself to the risk of contracting Lyme disease (Borrelliosis), Such as:

  • Wear closed shoes and long socks;
  • Avoid keeping legs and arms uncovered by wearing long pants, with socks covering the ends, long-sleeved shirt, and a hat to protect the head and scalp;
  • Make marked paths such as trails, avoiding crossing bushes or areas of tall grass;
  • Use, when necessary, a repellent product that discourages the taking root of various insects or specifically ticks;
  • Keep away from rodents, which carry ticks;
  • stopping for a picnic in an expanse of greenery use a sheet or blanket that avoids direct direct contact with the grass (protected by repellent).
  • upon returning home after the hike take a shower to get rid of any ticks possibly present on your body even if not yet attached to the skin.

If the tick remains attached to the skin for a day or two it may be able to inoculate its bacteria into the bloodstream contaminating it with Borreliosis.
If the tick takes root, once its attachment sign (tick mark) is detected on the skin, it is advisable to have it removed by a doctor or in an emergency center so as to reduce the risk of contracting Lyme disease, which is low if action is taken within a couple of days.
These precautionary measures are very suitable to prevent the tick from attaching itself in an unprotected spot on the body, but if you suspect that you have been “attacked” by a tick, it is advisable to talk to your doctor to examine the affected body part and, if it takes root, remove it and begin precautionary medical treatment to ward off the symptoms of Lyme borreliosis.
Finally, if you have been invaded by a tick in the past by contracting Lyme Disease, keep in mind that the infection does not generate immunity, thus being able to be repeated over time if exposed again.


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