Twelve diets to avoid at all times

Spring is coming, and those obsessed with the swimsuit test know they need to prepare in time if they want to shed the unbearable extra pounds accumulated over the winter

Itching spy of an organic disease

Itching is first and foremost a physical disorder, but it is also a symptom. It can be the alarm bell that warns of an organic disease, such as: a skin

Preventing infection

Where can we be most easily infected? Unfortunately, families are a recurring site of contagion, as a member who becomes infected outside the home carries the virus with them and

The benefits of (cautious) sun exposure

Especially now that the weather is getting hotter and hotter and the radiation UV is at an all-time high, limiting sun exposure is a priority for everyone at any age

The enemies of male sexuality

How is your sex life going? Do you feel confident and in tune with your body? Are you satisfied? Or do you feel that something is not working as it

Mask, so many problems…

In all cases, there is no shortage of those inconveniences caused by wearing a mask such as more difficult verbal communication, or coping with annoying condensation that clouds the lenses

Eyes: here’s why they water


When you cry, you almost always know why, but when your eyes begin to water on their own understanding the reason may not be so simple. It may be the fault of excess dust in a room, a lint or fragment that has accidentally entered the eyelid, or air pollution (if you are sensitive) or pollen (if you are allergic). Paradoxically, then, among the most common causes of excessive tearing is dry eye syndrome, as those who suffer from it know well. But eye problems or systemic diseases that can interfere with tearing, making it excessive or too little, are numerous:
discover the most common ones here


  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Floriana Di Martino
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors

    • Piazza della Rinascita 13 - Pescara
  • Profile picture of Dr. Francesca Marceddu
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Anesthesiologists, Basic Doctors

    • Via del Risorgimento 49 - Pirri
  • Profile picture of Dott. Massimo Carotenuto
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    General Surgeons, Basic Doctors

    • Via Lepanto 95 - Pompei
  • Profile picture of Dr. Tiziana Volpe
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Gynecologists, Basic Doctors, Professional Counselor

    • Piazzale Jonio 50 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dott. Gianlorenzo Casani
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Geriatrics, Certifying Doctor, Basic Doctors

    • Via Costantino Baroni 71/73 - Milano



Astigmatism is an imperfection in the curvature of the cornea-the transparent convex membrane that forms the anterior portion of the eyeball’s fibrous tonaca-or in the shape of the lens. Normally,


Strabismus is an ocular condition characterized by misalignment of the eyes and, therefore, of the left and right visual fields, which can occur in the first 6 months after birth


Keratitis is an ocular condition caused by inflammation of the cornea, the transparent membrane that lines the central anterior part of the eye, at the iris and pupil, and that


Hypermetropia is an eye condition in which the eyeball is too short and does not allow proper focusing. In the farsighted eye, light rays from a distance are focused beyond

Dry eye

Dry eye syndrome sets in when the superficial tear film that protects, irrigates, and nourishes the outer layers of the eye, particularly the cornea and conjunctiva, is too poor or

Degenerative maculopathy

Degenerative maculopathy is an irreversible disease that affects the macula, the central part of the retina. The result is a progressive loss of visual ability. There are two distinct forms

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is an ocular condition in which there is progressive damage to the retina and subsequent gradual decline in visual acuity. It is one of the most feared complications


Amblyopia, more commonly known as “lazy eye,” is a disease of the visual apparatus characterized by reduced vision in one eye due to abnormal visual development early in life. The

Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is aninflammation of the mucosa lining the inner cavities of the nose (nasal mucosa).

Sjögren’s syndrome

Sjögren’s syndrome is a chronic autoimmune-based systemic disease that causes malfunction of various exocrine secreting glands (i.e., those that spill secreted material onto the surface of the tissue in which

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