Drug excipients: inactive, but not for all

The excipients, that is, “biologically inert” substances added to a drug to improve their taste, color, absorption efficiency, mode and time of action in the body, are generally considered safe

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

An abdominal aortic aneurysm is a permanent pathological dilatation, a kind of balloon-like bulge, affecting the wall of the largest artery in the abdomen. Although the exact causes are currently

Can anemia cause fatigue?

An insufficiency of iron in the blood can result an anemia, responsible ius considerable fatigue. In women, anemia is a recurrent occurrence because of the menstrual cycle. When there is anemia the

How to treat the flu

The flu is an infectious disease, caused by a virus. It presents with fever, muscle and joint pain, nasal congestion, and headache.The flu has a high contagiousness, coupled with the virus’ ability

Heat stroke

During heat stroke, high body temperature can damage tissues and organs. If this occurs in untreated subjects, the outcome could be fatal. Symptoms include warm skin, high body temperature, agitation,

Oral candidiasis

Oral candidiasis is aninfection of the mouth caused by a type of fungus called Candida Albicans. It is, therefore, a mycosis that can occur in both men and women of

How to treat Barrett’s esophagus?

Barrett’s esophagus can be asymptomatic, but in most cases it is accompanied by the typical symptoms of reflux disease that generated it such as acid regurgitation, heartburn (heartburn), difficulty swallowing

How long does tendonitis last?

Tendons are the fibrous connective tissue structures by which muscles connect to bones (or in some cases, to the skin, as is the case with facial muscles, for example). There

Pulmonary embolism: what is it and how to treat it?


Embolism lung is a serious complication to be suspected in cases of dyspnea, in a patient at risk of deep vein thrombosis.

I Main symptoms are: sudden dyspnea, chest pain, syncope, tachycardia, hyperventilation, cyanosis, atrial and ventricular gallop, status of agitation and lung rales. Unfortunately, there are no specific tests, for to which the suspicion of pulmonary embolism should be based on the conditions of risk present and the results of investigations such as arterial blood gas analysis and radioisotopic scintigraphy.

Regarding the therapy to be carried out on the patient, heparin infusion, treatment of shock e/o decompensation as well as any alterations in acid-base balance, oxygen therapy, and morphine to reduce pain and anxiety are required.

Source: Medical Guard Handbook edited by Piercarlo Salari


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Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

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Heart failure

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Pulmonary emphysema

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Cardiac arrhythmias

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Seasonal influenza is an infectious disease of viral origin that is transmitted by the respiratory route through virus-laden vapor particles released into the air by infected individuals through breathing, coughing,

Ablation of atrial fibrillation

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Bronchial asthma

Bronchial asthma is a chronic respiratory disease brought about by persistent inflammation of the airways, particularly the bronchi, which generates hypersensitivity to a variety of stimuli that, when present, result

Allergic asthma

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