Adrenal gland tumor

The adrenal glands, or adrenals, are two small glandular organs located above the upper pole of each kidney (hence their name, precisely sur-renal). They have a triangular shape and are

Stress and well-being

Life is full of setbacks and difficulties; it would be nice to live in an ideal world, but it is not. Every man is constantly confronted with problems, injustices, hardships

New blood test detects eight types of cancer

Diagnosing cancer can be complicated and involve unpleasant procedures such as mammograms and colonoscopies; in addition, tumors are often detected only when they have reached a certain size. Researchers are

Bureaucracy in the work environment

One of the main causes of work stress is bureaucracy, which is often called into question when problems seem to have no solution. In the current social and labor organizational

Citrus and Umberto Veronesi Foundation together in the fight against cancer


It is called “Citrus – the Italian Garden” and is a fruit and vegetable company in Cesena committed to the front line in the fight against cancer. For years, in fact, Citrus supports the Umberto Veronesi Foundation by funding scholarships for scientific research, five of which were disbursed just this year. Aware protagonists of Citrus’ charitable campaigns are its own consumers, who are always informed in supermarkets about the proceeds donated to scientific research.

In 2018, 188 physicians and researchers benefited from research grants allocated by the Umberto Veronesi Foundation. Citrus, in 3 years of operation, has managed to fund as many as eight research grants, worth 240,000 euros. “We are a young company that collaborated with the Umberto Veronesi Foundation from the very beginning because. We believe in the civic action of involving companies and citizens in the ongoing commitment to scientific research,” says Marianna Palella, 25-year-old managing director of ‘Citrus – L’Orto Italiano’ -. Since we have solicited the help of consumers, we feel it is our duty to communicate in great transparency the names and research of the scholars we have supported.”

And here are the names of researchers supported by Citrus in 2018. These are. Lorena Coretti, Sergio Occhipinti, Benedetta Raspini, Tiziana Schioppa and Laura Simoni. Scholars have developed projects on a variety of fronts, from autism and epilepsy to prostate and colon cancer treatment, neurological cells, and bacterial microflora in one-year-olds. Such research will be conducted at the universities of Malta, Milan, Pavia and Brescia and at the “City of Health and Science” Hospital of Turin.

Photo: source


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