Obesity, disease or choice?

In 2013, theAmerican Medical Association (AMA) declared obesity a disease, requiring a range of interventions to promote its prevention and treatment. Five years later, U.S. health care professionals are still

Chronic renal failure and nutrition

When we talk about chronic renal failure , we refer to the progressive decline in glomerular function, with reduced filtering capacity of the kidney. The diseases that promote the occurrence

Eating disorders: dyspepsia

Digestion is an essential process for the life of humans and many other living organisms. Feeding is not just an instinct, but a pleasure, an indispensable ritual aimed at socialization

Cranberry Harvest: the harvest

The fall harvest of ripe berries in the cranberry fields is a breathtaking event, thanks to the color impact offered by the berries surfacing at the water’s edge. Cranberry harvesting

Risk factors, complications and prevention of salmonellosis

Normally, salmonella infection does not pose a life-threatening risk for healthy adults, but it can pose a life-threatening risk for those categories of patients such as infants or young children, elderly or transplant patients, pregnant women, or in patients undergoing surgery.

Acute renal failure and nutrition


Acute renal failure is a fearsome condition, as it arises rapidly. It can be classified according to cause into pre-renal, intrinsic renal, or post-renal. Pre-renal IRA is due to renal hypoperfusion and is often identified with Acute Tubular Necrosis, intrinsic IRA is related to intrinsic kidney disease, and post-renal IRA is related to obstructive factors of the excretory tract. Differential diagnosis is certainly important, as nutritional treatment should also be treated according to the diagnosis.

Nutritional therapy

Nutritional intervention aims to rebalance the patient’s catabolic imbalance and energy needs. Through Urea Nitrogen Appearance, which calculates urinary urea excretion, three levels of hypercatabolism are distinguished:

  • Mild hypercatabolism
  • Moderate hypercatabolism
  • Severe hypercatabolism

As for feeding, it should be introduced with caution, in fact in the first 48 hours it is not started because it may have a harmful effect. It starts with an intake of about 50% of what is estimated, gradually increasing over the next few days.

Source: Handbook of Dietetics and Nutrition by Franco Contaldo et al.


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