Are you familiar with Alzheimer’s disease?

It is becoming increasingly common, especially because of of the aging population, and much feared, because its effects on intellectual function are burdensome, and the available therapies do not still

Allergic skin reaction and itching

La skin is like a external barrier at body, which defends against external pitfalls, and among these pitfalls are some allergenic agents, such as the nickel, which we come in

Sports injuries: how to avoid them

Despite recurring rains and unpredictable temperature changes, with the arrival of warm weather almost all of us feel a renewed urge to exercise in the gym, pool and, most importantly,

Esophagus at risk with hot drinks

“Don’t drink the water too cold, or you’ll get a stomachache!” How many times have we heard this from mothers and grandmothers? Definitely, many. No one, however, has warned us

Itching from hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids, in addition to being a recurrent and annoying disorder to keep under control, can sometimes also be the source of increasing itching, a mixed sensation of discomfort and burning

Always thirsty? It may depend on.

In general, almost all of us tend to drink too little, or because we do not pay due attention to the thirst stimulus or because we postpone the satisfaction of

Metabolism and Genes

We can say that Metabolism is the way our body processes food by turning it into energy. However, if our body consumes few calories during rest or during sleep, genes

Preventing the flu to avoid brain stroke

Vaccinating against seasonal flu each year can help avoid certain illnesses, lost work days and, especially among the elderly and others at risk, severe and sometimes fatal complications, especially respiratory

Vegetables indicated for limiting carbohydrate consumption


If you are intent on keeping an eye on carbohydrate consumption if you have diabetes or want to lose weight, there is no need to eliminate them from your diet altogether.

Various vegetables, roots, or beans offer abundant nutrients with their carbohydrates


  • Profile picture of Dott. Franco Cicerchia
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Ophthalmologists, Acupuncturists, Basic Doctors

    • Via Alcide de Gasperi 39 - Palestrina
  • Profile picture of Dott. Cristiano Crisafulli
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Diabetologist, Basic Doctors, Internist

    • Via Vittorio Emanuele II 181 - Acireale
  • Profile picture of Dr. Monica Gamba
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Plastic Surgeons, Basic Doctors

    • Viale Radich 21/N - Grugliasco
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Irene Pistis
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors, Certifying Doctor

    • Via della Reoubblica 461/3 - Vergato
  • Profile picture of Dr. Roberto Zaffaroni
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Basic Doctors, Therapist

    • Via San Francesco D' Assisi 5 - Varese


Metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is not really a disease, but a complex condition defined by the simultaneous presence of known cardiovascular risk factors such as obesity (especially of the “central” type, i.e.,

Diabetic foot

Diabetic foot is a complex condition that develops as a complication of advanced uncontrolled diabetes and is the leading cause of nontraumatic amputation in the Western adult population. Very prevalent


Dyspareunia is defined as persistent genital pain that occurs in women shortly before or during intercourse and sometimes still present after intercourse has ended. Painful intercourse can occur for reasons

Diabetes and hypoglycemic syndromes

Diabetes or, more precisely, “diabetes mellitus” is a complex metabolic disease in which there is an increase in blood glucose levels (hyperglycemia) resulting from insufficient insulin production by the Langerhans


Hyperprolactinemia corresponds to a condition determined by the excessive production of the hormone prolactin by the pituitary gland (a small neuroendocrine gland found in the center of the brain that


Goiter corresponds to the more or less bulky, protruding swelling that appears in the central anterior part of the neck mainly in people who are iodine-deficient for prolonged periods, due

Overweight and obesity

Far from being a mere cosmetic problem, overweight and obesity are an established risk factor for the development of number of metabolic (foremost among them diabetes), acute cardiovascular (such as

Tumors of the adrenal glands

The adrenal glands (or adrenals) are two small triangular structures “resting” on the kidneys and responsible for the production of several hormones critical for metabolic and hydroelectrolyte balance and stress

Hashimoto’s thyroid

Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid gland, causing it to become chronically inflamed and gradually degenerate and lose function, resulting in the development of hypothyroidism (a

Basedow’s disease

Basedow’s disease, also known as Basedow-Graves disease, is an autoimmune disease that affects the thyroid gland and results in the typical symptoms of hyperthyroidism, ophthalmopathy/exophthalmos, and dermopathy. Basedow’s disease can

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