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Erectile dysfunction (or impotence) is the inability to be able to have and maintain an erection adequate to practice the sexual act.

It may happen sometimes to have erection problems, but the fact should not be dramatized.

If it has been a few sporadic episodes, that is one thing if, however, there is a real difficulty in performing sexual intercourse, the problem must be addressed, also to avoid the consequences in terms of stress, couple communication and finally confidence in one’s own possibilities.

In fact, an occasional problem can be ascribed to various factors (worries, pressing commitments, less-than-ideal atmosphere, partner not particularly attractive), while if one has problems getting or maintaining an erection, it could be a sign of a health condition that requires treatment first for a clinical problem, such as a heart disease, diabetes, or other pathology.
In such cases, it is advisable to overcome any indecision or embarrassment and talk to your doctor.
Treating the main disease will also be able to resolve the erectile dysfunction disorder, although in some situations the use of erectile dysfunction-specific drugs may prove useful.

But what are the symptoms that can be experienced when this problem occurs ?

  • A low desire toward the sexual act;
  • Erection is absent or insufficient;
  • A difficulty in maintaining an erection;
  • A premature, delayed or absent ejaculation;
  • A state of insecurity followed by emotional stress.

What are the causes that may impair erectile function ?

The mechanism that determines erection in the male arises from sexual arousal, which in turn is the result of the participation of emotions, the brain, hormonal flows, heart and vessels, muscles and nerves.

Sometimes even one of these factors can cause erectile dysfunction, which can worsen when a state of emotional malaise and stress, or even a persistent state of anxiety, is added to it.

Why turn to your family doctor in the first place ?

It is not advisable to approach the problem with superficial “I’ll wait for it to pass,” but rather the clinical problem should be framed with the help of the physician.

The medical approach will serve to rule out the possibility that an organic disease, such as diabetes, heart disease, inadequate blood circulation due to arteriosclerosis, increased blood cholesterol levels or an obesity condition, nervous or neurodegenerative diseases, endocrine diseases, excessive tobacco and alcohol use, surgical or post-surgical treatment, effects as a result of cancer drug therapies, and many other specific factors, may be causing the erectile disorder.

But erectile disorder can also be caused by factors not necessarily due to health status but more specific issues such as:

-anxiety, stress, depression;
-a poor sexual chemistry with the partner that generates dissatisfaction or frustration;
-an insufficient degree of attraction among partners;
-psychological or relationship problems in the couple.

Sometimes it can be age that causes erectile dysfunction disorders due to reduced hormonal values, effects caused by various medications, or issues due to mood status.

Then how to solve erectile dysfunction ?

-Referring in each case to your physician;

-exclude possible organic causes (e.g., Diabetes, Heart Disease, etc.) by resorting to clinical investigations and assessments;

-examine one’s personal and emotional sphere of the relationship to possibly identify the factors underlying the disorder;

-undertake, if the doctor deems it so, a treatment that resolves the disorder when caused by a well-determined cause, flanking the specific medication to overcome the problem caused by the erectile disorder.


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    • Piazzale Jonio 50 - Roma
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    • Via Lepanto 95 - Pompei
  • Profile picture of Dr. Lorenzo Cerreoni
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors

    • Via Macero Sauli 52 - Forlì


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