Mycosis: the fungi of the skin

Mycoses are infections generated by fungi that, like bacteria, can reproduce in the human body. Specifically addressed below are the benign type forms, which, often, do not present any symptoms

What is colitis?

Colitis is aninflammation of the colon, either acute or chronic, which falls into the broad group of digestive diseases. In medicine, “letic” colitis (without qualification) is used in very different

Exercise in ankylosing spondylitis

Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is an inflammatory rheumatic disease of the skeleton and 'joint joining the sacrum to the ilium bone at the base of the spine.

What are the causes of hepatitis C?

Hepatitis C is a liver disease caused by the HCV virus. The route of transmission is through direct contact with the blood of someone already infected with the virus. The

Perhaps a little dehydrated

When one is thirsty and feels the need to drink, it is already a sign of dehydration. Fatigue may also depend on a dehydration condition. The body has a constant

Cytomegalovirus infections in children

Because CMV can be detected in saliva, urine and other body fluids, the infection can be present in children without any apparent symptoms, being able to be transmitted unimpeded within the home and school communities.



Suffocation occurs when the upper airway is blocked and the victim cannot breathe. There are two options:

  1. If the adult is conscious but cannot speak, cough, or breathe, it is necessary to give up to 5 strokes on the abdomen. One must stand behind the victim, encircling the waist with the arms. Close one hand into a fist and place it on the victim’s navel. Press the fist into the abdomen with 5 quick blows, each of which should represent a separate effort to remove the object. After 5 blows, it is good to check the victim and repeat the 5 blows until the victim expels the object and begins to breathe. If the victim is a pregnant woman or an obese person put the arms under the armpits while standing behind them. Place the fist on the middle part of the sternum, grasp the fist with the other hand and exert the 5 compressions.
  2. If an adult is unconscious and mouth-to-mouth respiration has failed to get air into the lungs give 5 strokes on the abdomen. To do this, straddle the victim and place the lower part of your palm in the center of the victim’s abdomen. Overlap the other hand and press inward with 5 quick strokes on the abdomen. At this point use the thumb and other fingers to grasp the victim’s jaw and tongue. If the object is reached, grab it and remove it. If the airway remains obstructed, alternate 2 cycles of respiratory resuscitation and 5 abdominal compressions. Insist until the object is removed.

Source: Mediserve‘s Pocket Guide to First Aid.


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