Symptoms of depression

-Hard to concentrate and remember details or particulars . Difficulty in making decisions -Sense of fatigue and precariousness. -Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and helplessness -Humor oriented pessimism and sense of

Emotional skills

The learning of emotional skills requires a different methodology, since it assumes adequate knowledge of one’s emotional world and the development of interpersonal skills. The role of emotions is very

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Thyroid slowed down?

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Rehabilitating the “frozen shoulder”


La adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder requires a therapeutic treatment based mainly on anti-inflammatory drugs, which are used to reduce inflammation of the cuff and surrounding tissues, but sometimes, in more difficult cases where pain and joint stiffness take over, it may be necessary to Use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to be administered through infiltrations directly into the shoulder
A valuable contribution to treatment is rehabilitative physical therapy of the shoulder, which, however, should be combined with the administration of anti-inflammatory drugs.

It may be helpful to the treatment for the patient to be informed about the joint problem of the shoulder when affected by adhesive capsulitis, as a more complete knowledge helps him or her to understand the mechanism of operation of the movements, noting those that can be accomplished, but also the function compromised by the pathology, to better cooperate in the healing process.

The patient, by practicing a series of basic exercises at home, will be able to see that the pain is reduced after the exercises and thus of theimportance of physiotherapy to be done either at the therapist’s office or on one’s own.
The rehabilitative exercisesto be done at home are few and easily practiced, they serve to strengthen the muscles so as to lessen the strain on the joint during rehabilitation, they should be performed a couple of times a day in a calm and slowly condition.

It is recommended to do a few basic exercises that are useful to complement the work of the physical therapist:

  • Standing on your feet practice a minimal rolling exercise of both shoulders to be performed very slowly paying attention to the onset of pain. If minimal pain appears continue the exercise for only a short time , and stopping if the pain increases, trying again after a rest phase. By practicing rehabilitative exercise carefully and gradually, the shoulder begins to regain minimal mobility.
  • Still in a standing position, with the help of the other arm , lift the one involved in the frozen shoulder and try to lift it gradually and slowly, avoiding excessive efforts, relying only partly on the own strengths of the arm and the frozen shoulder and partly resorting to the help of the valid arm. After a bit of trial and error, one will be able to compere short arm lifts while cautiously articulating the sore shoulder.
  • Standing in a lying position practice an alternating arm lift exercise trying to bring the frozen shoulder arm to a height progressively close to drawing a right angle to the lying body. This exercise will be of considerable help in “encouraging” the joint to move, having as its goal the restoration of function impaired by capsulitis.
  • A course of home exercises flanked by more specific exercises conducted under the guidance of a physical therapist, aided by appropriate drug treatment with over-the-counter anti-inflammatories and painkillers can surely restore the shoulder’s functionality.

Whenever possible, practicing water rehabilitation therapy at a specialized center , can certainly speed up the time to complete healing, water movement being best suited to facilitate the resumption of joint movement in various situations both inflammatory and post-traumatic.


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    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Otolaryngologists, Basic Doctors, Competent Doctor

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    active 3 years, 10 months ago

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    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Anesthesiologists, Basic Doctors

    • Via del Risorgimento 49 - Pirri


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