There is no doubt that we often come across this name whenever theArt of Love is mentioned, either in literary terms when quoting the best authors, or in the articles that the press devotes to the subject, according to multiple points of view or as a reference to the complex female sphere.
It is named G after the initial letter of the name of its discoverer, Ernst Grafenber, who ascertained its presence as an erogenous termination zone between the female vaginal walls.
But where can one find the G-spot, this pleasure zone ?
Every navigator of eros will have to find out for themselves, or at most with some suggestions from their partner, or with a little help from Anatomy of theFemale Genital Apparatus.
It can be found internally, in the upper part of the vagina, a few inches from the entrance, patiently exploring the interior until less smooth and more sensitive mucosa is found. One will be aware of being in the G zone by the increasing erotic reactions, which can lead up to orgasm.
However, this point does not prove to be the same for all women, as some remain more sensitive and responsive in the clitoral area, where they can regain their pleasure and even orgasm.
Photographic thanks: Bruno Habran from Pixabay