Let’s read aloud together

Reading aloud to a child, even a very young one, accompanying him to discover the magic of the book, the pictures, the sounds is a gift, a gift we give

Extinguishing phobia with integrated care

Recent research published in PNAS, the journal of the American Academy of Sciences, shows that the combination of psychotherapy and cortisone in people suffering from specific phobia (in this case,

Adult function and adolescence

Parents, teachers, janitors, doctors, sports coaches, as well as subway passengers or spectators in a movie theater, we are all adults in different roles. But precisely all of us, as

Couple’s understanding and the holiday season

In the collective imagination, the Christmas holidays are laden with strong rhetoric: everyone should be good and happy, families reunite in a harmonious and joyful manner, the new year represent a decisive turning point of change...

Too much Caffeine?

Taken in small doses it improves concentration, while if taken in excessive doses it causes heart rate, raises blood pressure levels and induces a state of nervousness.

Ferdinand Pellegrino. To be or not to be a leader.


The theme of leadership is taken up by multiple authors, each of whom profiles the ideal leader. The basic idea is to recognize leadership in every person as a resource; in fact, everyone can be a leader of himself or herself and the architect of his or her own destiny. The true leader knows how to gather the consensus of others, has self-respect, and in this way can access excellent levels of leadership .

John P. Kotter and Joseph O’ Connor in their books have summarized the concepts of leadership by providing various thoughts on the subject. First and foremost, being a leader requires good character and good professional, technical and interpersonal skills. In “The War of Talents,” it is explained how important it is to nurture people with positive personality traits. These should be encouraged to grow both humanly and professionally. In the essay “Self-Education,” edited by Gian Piero Quaglino, an overview is provided of the tendency to view professional development as continuous growth, an enhancement of experience through targeted investments consistent with one’s philosophy of life. There are so many books that aim to create a leader, but of course if you want to change, it takes not only willpower, but also an ongoing commitment.

Source: I don’t have time for… How it wears out care: health workers under stress by Ferdinando Pellegrino


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