The enemies of sexual desire

Because of its characteristics, sexual desire is a delicate structure that does not tolerate external disturbing factors.

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Prolactin (PRL) is a hormone, normally produced by the pituitary gland, whose function is to stimulate milk production in pregnant women and to prevent further pregnancy during the early stages


Bronchiectases are irreversible dilatations of airway tracts (bronchi) due to lesions of the bronchial walls.   The most common cause is severe or repeated respiratory infections, often in people with

Diabetic emergencies

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Recurrences in the dislocated shoulder


The dislocation of the shoulder, as a traumatic event that causes a bone to become dislodged from its joint structure, is certainly reducible with a medical maneuver that restores the injured part, but from that point on, subsequent treatment must be followed, which will then determine whether or not the shoulder heals and resumes its function.

Rehabilitation exercises directed at restoring movement as well as strengthening and consolidating the joint, together with clinical monitoring based on follow-up investigations of the post-traumatic status of the shoulder and constant therapeutic treatment will be able to shelter the party from the risk of recurrence.
In fact, it can happen that the shoulder comes out of its socket again, even some time after the first traumatic event, resulting in a new dislocation.

Recurrences can statistically affect about half of all dislocation cases, depending on the type of trauma and the damage caused to the joint by the first traumatic event.
In cases where the episode recurs, after a first dislocation, this may indicate that the shoulder has not yet reached a level of stability, despite having practiced an appropriate rehabilitation program.
In such cases, sports that require the use of the arms at levels higher than that of the shoulders and head should be avoided.

Generally, patients who have already suffered recurrences may be advised to have surgery, which should not be too procrastinated to prevent further damage to the joint structure.
Patients who have been found to have damage to the ligaments and capsular structure but have suffered only one or two recurrences may be advised to undergo arthroscopic surgery for shoulder repair and stabilization.
Patients, on the other hand, who have already suffered many relapses and also a condition of greater damage to the ligaments, tissues and muscles around the joint may be advised a non-arthroscopic surgery, such as in cases of patients/athletes with a less stable shoulder type due to particular sports activities as “throwers or shooters,” where continued use and continuous stresses on the shoulder contribute to d lower tightness of the joint structure.
In these cases, it is necessary to carefully investigate the actual condition of the shoulder, and intervene with the most appropriate type of treatment to bring it back to its stability, with an appropriate rehabilitation program, not excluding the need to make the patient aware of his condition with respect to the lifestyle necessary for the healing of the shoulder, including the choice of the most suitable sports activity.


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