How long does tendonitis last?

Tendons are the fibrous connective tissue structures by which muscles connect to bones (or in some cases, to the skin, as is the case with facial muscles, for example). There

Skin, let’s treat it with care

The skin is our largest organ and the body’s first line of defense against viruses, bacteria, chemicals, pollution and environmental factors. It performs essential functions such as regulation of body

At birth we already have a few billion years

In this course we will analyze, from an evolutionary perspective, some important characteristics of Homo Sapiens Sapiens infants, the result of millions of years of evolution, which affect adult development and psychic life.

Renal colic: how does it manifest?

The renal colic is a symptom related to the migration of a stone through the ureter. It is possible that in this way the urothelial wall becomes irritated or are

Tuberculosis: how to treat it

Tuberculosis (TB) is an infectious and contagious disease-potentially serious-caused by the bacterium Mycobacterium tuberculosis or Koch’s bacillus, named after the German physician and bacteriologist who discovered it back in 1882.

Time change: the effects on the gut

The transition from daylight saving time to daylight saving time and vice versa causes some transient discomfort for many people, especially in terms of resynchronization of sleep-wake rhythms and mealtimes,

Malocclusion: a dental problem that can become serious


Deviations from ideal occlusion are known as
. The type of deviation is variable, but any type of misalignment can cause problems. It is necessary to align the upper teeth to avoid lip and cheek bites, while it is important to align the lower teeth to protect the tongue from bites.

There are three main classes of malocclusion:

  • class 1

is the most common of the three, where the upper teeth overlap the lower teeth.

  • class 2

this condition, known as retrognathia, causes the upper teeth and jaw to overlap significantly with the lower teeth and jaw.

  • class 3

is also known as prognathism and occurs when the lower jaw protrudes forward. This causes the lower teeth to overlap with the upper teeth and jaw.

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  • Profile picture of Dott. Cristiano Crisafulli
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Diabetologist, Basic Doctors, Internist

    • Via Vittorio Emanuele II 181 - Acireale
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Francesca Vittorelli
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Therapist, Acupuncturists, Basic Doctors

    • Corso Andrea Palladio 134 - Vicenza
  • Profile picture of Dr. Sergio Ettore Salteri
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Basic Doctors, Chiropractors, Posturologists

    • Via Vial di Romans 8 - Cordenons
  • Profile picture of Dr. Lorenzo Cerreoni
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors

    • Via Macero Sauli 52 - Forlì
  • Profile picture of Dott. Giovanni Adamo
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Angiologists, Basic Doctors

    • Provincia di Ragusa - Ragusa



Otitis are inflammatory processes that can affect different parts of the ear. The two most common forms are otitis externa, which involves the pinna and the first portion of the

Nasal polyposis

Nasal polyps are soft, painless, noncancerous growths that form on the lining of the nasal cavity or paranasal sinuses and as, they increase in volume, can cause respiratory obstruction. They


Stomatomucositis is a disease of the oral mucosa, also called stomatitis. It is an inflammation of the mouth and affects the thin inner lining of the oral cavity. There are


Adenoids are masses of lymphatic tissue that help the body fight infection. The adenoids are located in the pharynx, just behind the nose; along with the tonsils, they are the


The paranasal sinuses are four pairs of cavities located within the bones of the facial massif; they communicate via bony canals and orifices with the nasal cavities, which in turn

Trigeminal neuralgia

The trigeminal nerve is the fifth of the twelve pairs of cranial nerves in the head; it is the nerve responsible for providing sensation to the face. One trigeminal nerve


Bruxism is a condition in which you grind your teeth: it can happen, unconsciously, in a waking state or, more often, during sleep. People who clench or grind their teeth

Oral candidiasis

Oral candidiasis, also called thrush, is a condition characterized by the accumulation on oral mucous membranes of the fungus Candida albicans. It is an infectious and resistant pathogen that can


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Xerostomia, also known as “dry Imouth” or “dry mouth,” refers to a condition in which the salivary glands do not produce enough saliva to keep the mouth wet.   Saliva

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