Diabetes is a condition in which insulin, which helps the body harness the energy within food, is absent. Excessive insulin concentration causes insulin or hyperglycemic shock. Excessive sugar contraction together with an insufficient amount of insulin, on the other hand, can lead to diabetic coma or hyperglycemia.
In case of hypoglycemia, a emergency response. In case of hyperglycemia, Instead, the following symptoms occur: drowsiness, extreme thirst, skin redness, vomiting, heavy breathing and possible loss of the consciousness.
What do?
- If you are unsure about the presence of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, only sugar-free foods or drinks should be given.
- Administer fluids.
- If the person in question does not feel better in 15 minutes, arrange for hospitalization.
Source: Mediserve‘s Pocket Guide to First Aid.