Acute lumbago: causes and treatment

In acute low back pain (abbreviated: LA), one experiences sharp and sudden pain in the lower back area. Usually the trigger is an innocuous movement performed during exercise or daily

Mitral valve repair: new surgical instruments

A new surgical tool for mitral valve repair: simplifies valve repair, avoiding recourse to open-heart surgery Researchers studying this new device to repair the mitral valve report results on the

Shoulder arthrosis: how to treat it

Osteoarthritis represents the degenerative disease of joints. This occurs when cartilage, which normally acts as a protective covering for bones allowing smooth and pain-free movement, goes through degeneration. Without cartilage

Panic attacks and addictions

Sometimes disorders such as panic attack can also occur in the presence of other issues such as those related to the use of addictive substances, such as alcohol, nicotine, caffeine, and even more so amphetamines, drugs, or drugs such as cannabis or cocaine.

Hepatitis E: liver disease

Hepatitis E is caused by an RNA virus transmitted by the fecal-oral route and causes symptoms typical of viral hepatitis, including poor appetite, malaise, and jaundice. Fulminant hepatitis and death

Recurrences in the dislocated shoulder

Dislocation of the shoulder, as a traumatic event that causes a bone to protrude from its joint structure, is certainly reducible with a medical maneuver that restores the injured part, but from that point on, subsequent treatment must be followed that will then determine whether or not the shoulder heals and resumes its function.

Are our toilet habits normal?

Does it often happen that you have to get up during the night to urinate? Is the “hesitant bladder” a real thing? And when should one seek medical attention?

Heat stroke


During heat stroke, high body temperature can damage tissues and organs. If this occurs in untreated subjects, the outcome could be fatal. Symptoms include warm skin, high body temperature, agitation, confusion and loss of consciousness, rapi d breathing and pulse, and dry or sweaty skin.

What to do?

  1. Check vital parameters.
  2. Move the victim to a cool place and undress the victim, leaving only cotton clothing.
  3. Cool the victim by any means possible.
  4. Keep head and shoulders elevated.
  5. If a convulsion occurs, try to treat it as quickly as possible.
  6. Call the ambulance.

In low-humidity conditions, spray or pour water on the victim and ventilate vigorously, or cover the victim with a damp sheet.

In high humidity, however, the evaporation method does not work. Therefore, it is necessary to put ice packs on the blood-irradiated areas.

Source: Mediserve‘s Pocket Guide to First Aid.


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