Cranberry Harvest: the harvest

The fall harvest of ripe berries in the cranberry fields is a breathtaking event, thanks to the color impact offered by the berries surfacing at the water’s edge. Cranberry harvesting

Guidelines for healthy eating

The guidelines aim to protect the health of the individual, so much so that they suggest how to behave when choosing foods, recovering or increasing consumption of some and limiting

What is uncontrolled eating disorder?

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Cow’s milk protein allergy

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Biliary tract and gallbladder dyskinesia and stones


Bile consists mainly of bile acids and to a lesser extent by lecithin and other phospholipids and cholesterol.

Also present are small amounts of bilirubin conjugate, some hormones and the substances taken by the subject. As a result of the reabsorption of water in the gallbladder the bile becomes particularly concentrated. The main regulator of gallbladder emptying is the cholecystokinin, a hormone secreted by the duodenum in relation to the proportion of fats and amino acids taken in through the diet. Bile salts promote absorption in the small intestine of fats introduced through the diet and fat-soluble vitamins. Lifestyle can lead to the formation of stones Of the biliary tract. Factors favoring the occurrence of the latter include. there is increased cholesterol secretion and hypokinesis of the biliary tract.

Diet plays an important role as a cause, but also as a prevention of cholelithiasis.

Dietary advice

Dietary correction has a beneficial influence On the formation of stones. Overweight and obesity can promote the occurrence of stones, so it is very important to reduce excess weight, Following a healthy diet. It is advisable:

  • Reduce fat intake
  • Reduce the intake of simple sugars
  • Prefer foods high in plant fibers
  • Fractionate the diet into several meals over the span of the day.

Source: Handbook of Dietetics and Clinical Nutrition by Franco Contaldo et al.


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