Metabolic syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a set of abnormalities that can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and beyond. It is characterized through the presence of at least three of these factors:

Foods never to eat raw

Raw foods have many beneficial properties, but they can also be very dangerous, as they can pose some risks to our health, especially in the summer heat.

The clothing to avoid in case of Cellulite

When we talk about Cellulite prevention, in addition to dwelling on eating habits, exercise and lifestyle, we must also dwell on one of the aspects of daily life: the way we dress.

Cow’s milk protein allergy


This is an adverse reaction to milk protein in hypersensitive individuals. If no imunological mechanism is recognized, it will be called intolerance.

Milk intake should be stopped immediately and objective examination, state of consciousness, hydration status and body weight should be noted. Replace cow’s milk with women’s milk, soy protein formulas, meat-based baby food. In case of a severe reaction, observation of vital signs for at least 12 hours is required. If it is necessary to subject the child to electrolycemia, azotemia, HT, blood glucose and blood gas analysis.

Source: Mediserve‘s Medical Emergencies in Pediatrics.




Diarrhea is a defecation disorder characterized by increased emission of a daily amount of stool greater than 200 g with decreased stool consistency and increased frequency of bowel discharge. In

Hepatitis A

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Barrett’s Esophagus

Barrett’s esophagus is a serious complication of gastroesophageal reflux disease. In Barrett’s esophagus, the normal tissue lining the esophagus-the tube that carries food from the mouth to the stomach-is transformed

Inguinal hernia

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Colon cancer

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Irritable bowel syndrome

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Gastroesophageal reflux

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Pancreatitis is inflammation in the pancreas, the long, flat gland located transversely at the top and back of the abdominal cavity. The pancreas produces enzymes that aid digestion and hormones

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