Why choose a mountain vacation

Every year during the summertime millions of people flock to major beach resorts to enjoy a well-deserved vacation under an obrellone or taking a dip in the sea. This is

10. Plants in space.

The International Space Station (ISS) has operated continuously for more than twenty years in Earth orbit, hosting teams of astronauts and scientists on research missions lasting up to several months; among the purposes of this research is the development of technologies that can keep a crew alive on missions beyond Earth orbit.

1. Equipment

Freediving is an environmental sport that is practiced in the water and, for this reason, requires specific equipment that gives us comfort and safety.

Introduction to apnea

FREE DIVING: 10 Video-Assisted Lessons. Starting next December 12, 2020 every week on the educareyou portal and social networks.

9. Compensation

With this maneuver, the apneist returns the eardrums to a neutral position, which, due to the external pressure, which reduces the volumes of the air zones of our body, would tend to introflex to the point of injury or rupture if they were not rebalanced. Ambient pressure, which increases with depth, causes a reduction in the volume of the aerial parts of our body (lesson 3), compensating the ears reconstitute the original volumes, keeping the eardrum in a neutral position.

7. Apnea specialty.

In addition to static apnea, which we discussed in Lesson #7, we have DYNAMIC apnea and DEEP apnea.

How much has the attitude toward sports declined?


Doing sports is very good for your health, yet in Italy the attitude to practice a ‘sporting activity has decreased. According to Istat data, only 1 in 4 Italians play sports; in fact, 38 percent of people said they had no time or desire to engage in physical activity. According to the Ministry of Health, this decline is due to the development of automation and disdain for manual labor, but probably also to the lack of green areas and safety spaces for cyclists.

Children and the elderly play more sports

They are the young between the ages of 6 and 17 those to practice more sports, while as for the later age groups, 16 percent of 20-24 year olds and 13.2 percent of 25-34 year olds do so occasionally. Then there is a large segment of the Italian population, the age group between 40 and 60 years old, that does not want to go to the gym at all. It may sound strange, but the older you get the more you tend to play a sport, in fact from what the Istat analysis reveals, it is between the ages of 60 and 74 that people play a sport the most, and then it decreases significantly from the age of 75.

Lack of physical activity goes a long way in affecting people’s health, as our bodies need movement so as to decrease the risk of certain diseases.

What are the benefits of sports?

Playing sports has some health benefits:

  • Prevents hypercholesterolemia and hypertension;
  • Reduces the risk of developing heart disease: with daily physical activity, the heart becomes more robust and resistant to fatigue;
  • Reduces symptoms of anxiety and depression;
  • Prevents and reduces osteoporosis;
  • It reduces the risk of premature death;
  • Improves glucose tolerance;
  • It reduces the risk of obesity.

If you don’t have time to go to the gym, just moving for 30 minutes a day will be enough to prevent our body from being affected. The sedentariness, in fact, is the worst enemy to health. According to the World Health Organization Physical activity is defined as. “any exertion exerted by the musculoskeletal system that results in energy consumption greater than that under resting conditions.”.

So there are many ways to get moving without even realizing it: preferring the stairs to the ‘elevator, taking a walk in the park, walking home from work, or moving by bicycle are all ways to get physical activity and reduce the risks of disease, obesity, and anxiety.


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