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6. Relaxation

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1. Equipment


Freediving is an environmental sport that is practiced in the water and, for this reason, requires specific equipment that gives us comfort and safety.

1) The mask: our eye is made for aerial vision, so in contact with water we see blurry. The mask is used to circumvent this obstacle. There are plenty of them on the market: the freediver generally chooses one with a smaller volume-the smaller it is, the easier it will be to descend to depth, but we will understand why later-rather than those who descend with scuba tanks. To understand whether a mask fits our face, simply place it on the face, keeping it facing the ground, without securing it with the strap and inhale: if the mask does not fall off, it is the right one.

Even those with visual defects today can have fun underwater, as it is possible to have a graded one made.

To prevent it from fogging, when we first use it, it would be good to wash it with a kitchen detergent, this is to remove any silicone grease that could cause it to fog in water and every time, before using it and when dry, it should be wet and sprinkled with saliva to avoid the same problem. It is a good idea to always rinse it with fresh water and not leave it in the sun.

2) The snorkel or snorkel: it is preferable to choose it without those annoying creases, in which water stops, which we would find difficult to expel, even if we exhale forcefully. It must also have a diameter that is neither too large, for the same reason given above, nor too small, otherwise we would overexert ourselves in inhaling and exhaling.

3) The fins: consist of the blade and the foot pocket, and there are all kinds and for all tastes and pockets. The blades can be mainly made of technopolymer (plastic) or carbon. It goes without saying that the latter perform better, reducing dead time in reversing the direction of the gambit and having greater responsiveness. The booties should be soft and comfortable, but not too much to let our feet run away in the action of finning; if we can’t find the size that gives us proper comfort, there are insoles that can be inserted inside the booties that, along with possibly some fin clips, keep us from losing them–which would be onerous, especially if we are using expensive carbon paddles. Fins should also always be well rinsed after use and not left in the sun.

4) The monofin: for the deepest performance, the monofin is used today. It is a single shovel inside whose shoes the two feet fit. The movement, once the relevant technique is learned, is dolphin-like and harmonious, less energy- and oxygen-intensive than classic twin-fin finning, but certainly more high-performing in terms of meters traveled.

5) The wetsuit: again, there are countless models made from as many materials. The freediver generally opts for a neoprene wetsuit, consisting of pants and jacket, which is very stretchy and therefore comfortable and gives him the ability to relax and breathe easily. They are, these, delicate wetsuits that could easily break the moment we put them on. It takes some dexterity before you start using them, and you have to spend some time on them: they are put on by wetting them with soapy water, which makes them easier to put on, making them slippery and smooth on the body. Those who are not yet familiar with it might, at first, choose a lined or double-lined wetsuit. The principle of always rinsing it after use and not drying it in the sun also applies to the wetsuit.

6) The belt: consists of the belt and the leads attached to it. The freediver generally chooses an elastic belt, as the crushing that the body undergoes, due to pressure, reducing volumes, would result in uncomfortable rotations of the belt. There are half-pound, one-pound and two-pound weights. The amount to be affixed to the belt depends on a number of variables and is a topic that will be covered later. Except in pathological cases, in which individuals take medication or have special treatments, apnea could be and is a way to become more aware of one’s own abilities and to look at our fears without being enslaved by them, seeking, rather, to overcome them.

7) The depth gauge: there are also these of all types and for all budgets. Those of the latest generation, in addition to withstanding considerable depths, provide a graph of the performance made and make us retrace not only all the various phases of our apneas, but also the relative recoveries between apneas.

8) Additional equipment for when it gets a little colder or for those who freediving: socks, gloves, undersuit, Bermuda shorts, anklets, knife, scuba marker ball.

by Mariafelicia Carraturo


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