Main types of poisoning: alcohol.

In the case of ethanol poisoning, the central effect is. strictly dose-dependent, with progression of brain structures more specialized. Methanol, on the other hand, exerts less depression on the system

Types of poisoning: fluoroacetates

Fluoroacetates are powerful poisons and their use is limited to special conditions, such as aboard ships or in sewers. Fluroacetates block the tricarboxylic acid cycle of carbohydrate metabolism. Their toxic

Coma: what to do?

The Coma is the morbid condition characterized by loss of consciousness with reduced o absent responsiveness to sensory stimuli and preservation of function vegetative. Four levels of coma are distinguished:

What is hypothermia?

Hypothermia could be a potentially fatal emergency. It develops at temperatures above freezing but also below. There are two types of hypothermia: the mild form and the severe form. In

Electrocution: what to do

In electrocution , the greatest damage is visible inside the body, even though the burn may appear small and superficial. What to do? Make sure the place is safe, unplug

Poisonings: dinitro-compounds

These compounds are used in orchards as a “winter wash” and as a herbicides in summer. From a toxicological point of view, their action biochemistry is common to all compounds.

Methods of poisoning: antidepressant drugs

Today patients with antidepressant drug overdose. represent a large portion. The pharmacological properties of the antidepressants are multiple and include interference with release of adrenaline at the level of brain

The toxic shock syndrome

Toxic shock syndrome is a particularly risky type of shock caused by toxins produced by bacteria (staphylococcus or streptococcus).

Main types of poisoning: ethylene glycol

Ethylene glycol can be considered an alcohol polyhydroxylated. It appears to be low in toxicity but with the intake of other medication could cause death. A dose of 100 ml

Main types of poisoning: salicylates


The most common type of poisoning is from aspirin, a drug that contains acetylsalicylic acid. Aspirin tablets are very popular among adults intent on poisoning. In the body, salicylates exert complex actions on the breath centers, electrolyte balance, metabolism and stimulation of certain brain structures.

Signs and symptoms

With an overdose during therapy, the toxic effects tend to occur slowly. Even if the patient remains vigilant complains deafness, blurred vision, ataxia and also often shows tremor and irritability. Subsequently, the patient enters hyperventilation and the dehydration can be a sequela.

Diagnosis and treatment

The presence of a very nuanced symptomatology should not reassure, as in a short time it is possible for a serious deterioration of the condition to occur, especially in children. Once the diagnosis is clear, it is important that any kind of imbalance be corrected. An attempt can, therefore, be made to empty the stomach: with children, induction of vomiting can be used, while in adults, gastric lavage is best. It is also necessary to monitor the lungs to prevent the onset of pulmonary edema. Should renal failure occur, hemodialysis is mandatory.

Source: Vadecum of poisoning therapy by Roy Goulding


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