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Starting a physical activity: some tips


The reasons that often prompt us to start a physical activity are many and varied. One of the main motivations is definitely aesthetic (one plays sports to improve one’s physical appearance and look good to oneself and others). Then there are those who do sports for passion, because they consider it an activity that is not only good for the body, but also essential for the well-being of one’s mind (for example, cycling, swimming or even martial arts). Then again, there are those people who like to play sports to be in contact with others and be a team player (the classic example is soccer, but also basketball volleyball etc…).

Not all types of sports, however, are suitable for every individual. In fact, it is necessary, even before you try your hand at any physical activity, to evaluate your choices well, to have a clear idea of what kind of path you want to take, what goals you want to achieve, but above all, it is essential to know your body and your physical possibilities.

Those who have health problems in fact, or simply want to exercise to stimulate their metabolism more, can be satisfied with 30 minutes of activity a day. On the other hand, those whose goal is to achieve results from the standpoint of athletic and physical performance should devote at least 60 minutes to the training phase, and if possible every day.

The various types of sports

Aerobic sports such as cycling, running, swimming and rowing are great for those with the goal of losing weight. In particular, swimming and cycling are the most suitable sports for those who are particularly overweight, unlike running, which, despite the fact that it burns many more calories in much less time and is an almost zero-cost sport from an economic point of view, can be more traumatic for an individual with many excess pounds, as well as demotivating. As for anaerobic sports, on the other hand, such as tennis, basketball, soccer, volleyball, or any other team sport, they are less suitable for slimming because they do not allow high consumption of body fat. In spite of this, they turn out to be among the most fun and played sports as they foster social relationships and help to establish a strong bond with other people, especially if they are part of one’s team.

Whatever the motivation, whatever the sport or in general the physical activity you decide to practice, it is important to do it consistently, carefully and above all with passion. By following these guidelines, with a little patience, and combining physical activity with a healthy and proper diet, results will not be long in coming, and with them your personal satisfaction and mental and physical well-being.


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