One of the main causes of work stress is bureaucracy, which is often called into question when problems seem to have no solution. In the current social and labor organizational structure, it is a risk to ignore bureaucracy, so it is important to know the system and ask questions. One of the biggest obstacles is often aprejudiced attitude toward the system, which becomes an alibi for shirking responsibility. In running a business, individual space for growth and empowerment is limited if it has a high profile of bureaucratization. For some organizations, both public and private, bureaucracy is a brake on business growth because it paralyzes activities and acts as a protectionist system. Not all systems are ready for innovation; in fact, in order to cope with alternative operational evidence, it is necessary to know how to manage the business while respecting the company’s organization. Even though it is a rigid system there are still opportunities for growth.
In today’s corporate axes, the laws governing work activities have changed so much, as there is a tendency to enhance human resources and give more responsibility to operators. The new bureaucracy should be more agile and effective, leaving room for innovation.
Another great resource for coping with bureaucracy is emotional intelligence; in fact, stimulating creativity and intuition to find the most suitable strategies to solve a problem is the engine of relationships.
Source: I don’t have time for… How it wears out care: health workers under stress by Ferdinando Pellegrino