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Itching can sometimes be psychosomatic in nature, caused by severe states of anxiety or stress. Psychosomatic itching is localized to a specific location on the body, not resulting from internal

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Sexual identity is a construct that indicates how a person experiences pleasure, feeling, relating to others, and how they act out their sexuality through behavioral choices, and is directly influenced

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Nasal polyps are small, noncancerous, teardrop-shaped cell proliferations that develop on the nasal and sinus mucosa. The characteristic symptoms of nasal polyposis are due to the progressive growth of these

Sunburn and burns. Water or oil?

In the tranquility of our kitchen we may inadvertently incur a sunburn. We almost always immediately resort to the traditional methods passed down from our parents. Be careful, however, these

I live inside me

This self-portrait of Lucian Freud is the result, as he declared, of the "strange process of observing himself."

Family dysautonomy

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Going from about eleven months of desk work to a month or less of challenging and sometimes dangerous summer sports


During the summertime, in addition to the beach, people often also start to get active, playing some sports such as beach volleyball and water skiing.
For those accustomed to a sedentary lifestyle, it is important to be very careful, as these sports could become challenging and sometimes dangerous.
Doing a lot of sports in the summer when you are not exercising at all could cause injury and cardiovascular risks, in fact, excessive heat can negatively affect the well-being of the cardiovascular system.
Due to high temperatures it is possible to suffer real heat stroke, especially for those who participate in sports during the hottest hours.

How to prevent cardiovascular risks

If you really do not want to do without sports in the summer, you need to be very careful and follow some tips:

  1. Playing sports during the cooler hours of the day.
    Many people think that the coolest time of day is in the evening, but it is actually early morning. If it is really impossible to play sports this early, then you need to wait until at least 6 p.m., when the sun will be milder and the coolness of the evening will help you avoid suffering heat stroke.
  1. Hydration.
    It is most important to drink plenty of water, especially when doing sports; in fact, dehydration could be particularly dangerous to our bodies.
  1. Choosing the right clothing.
    It is necessary to wear light-colored, light and breathable clothes, not cotton. In fact, this fabric absorbs sweat and becomes even heavier on contact with the body.
  1. Protect yourself from the sun.
    Before starting to play sports, it is advisable to use creams to protect yourself from the sun. There are also some on the market that are specifically for those who exercise and are sweat-resistant.
  1. Start training gradually.
    You should not overdo it right away, but it is important to understand what your body’s limits are, trying to rest and stop when you feel the need. It is also advisable not to choose activities you have never done before, which may be too heavy for you.


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    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Anesthesiologists, Basic Doctors

    • Via del Risorgimento 49 - Pirri
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    Acupuncturists, Homeopathic Medicine, Basic Doctors

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    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors

    • Viale Prassilla 41 - Roma
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    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors

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