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Preventing anxiety and depression: discussed at the Salus Project conference


Press Release

Taking place on Friday, May 8 at 5 p.m., strictly live-streamed, is the Anxiety and Depression Conference, which is part of a series of InfoSALU project meetings organized at the European Parliament Office in Milan. Discussing better lifestyles that could help halve or even prevent anxious states and depressive moments-the ISTAT estimates that 4 million Italians are affected by these disorders-will be Dr. Alberto Donzelli, public health expert and editorial director of the Pills of health education, naturopath Milena Simeoni, Education Director of LUMEN and creator of Salus, Lorenzo Del Moro, M.D. and member of the Scientific Committee and the Aligning Health and Health Foundation. MEP Eleonora Evi, president Interest Group Salus, will introduce the proceedings.

The SALUS Project: healthy lifestyles at the center, to improve health and environmental sustainability aims to popularize a new concept that focuses on health promotion and prevention, not just the treatment of diseases.

Human health and the health of the planet are urgent issues, more than ever at this moment in history, at the center of the global agenda, the inextricable link of which is not sufficiently taken into account.

The SALUS proposal highlights this connection and advocates for real change toward a healthier and more sustainable society starting with humans and ending with the environment in which they live.

Among the actions that SALUS is implementing on emerging issues is the organization of events, sustainable and consistent with the principles of the project, that disseminate valid information about the concrete possibilities for a paradigm shift on the issue of global health.

Interest Group Salus consists of MEPs Eleonora Evi (M5S), Patrizia Toia (PD), Rosa D’Amato (M5S), Carlo Fidanza (FdI) and Mara Bizzotto (Lega).

If you have not yet signed the petition we launched please read it carefully and if you share sign it.
If you have already signed it, please pass it around as much as possible, we will send another letter to the government at the weekend and also tell about the results of the petition.

Source: The Social Covenant


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