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Sexual Habits: Outercourse, non-penetrative sex


What is Outercourse ?

Often an English-language term seems unfamiliar and mysterious to us until we find out that we already know something about it once the translation is done.
This is the case with the term Outcourse, which can be scientifically defined as physical sexual activity between individuals that includes genital stimulation but does not involve penetration.

We talk about non-penetrative sex (outercourse), it is based on various other forms of sexual intercourse including:

frottage, mutual masturbation, kissing and many kinds of caresses.

oral sex, while in fact penetrative, is somehow not considered as such and therefore fully allowed among them.

Sexual partners may lean toward Outcourse for a variety of practical, ideological, moral, or religious reasons, to limit the risk of pregnancy, as a matter of sexual preference, as an alternative to menstruation, for medical impediments that advise against penetration at a given time, as a choice of sexual orientation in both heterosexuals, bisexuals, and homosexuals.

Sometimes the sexual practice ofOutercourse represents for many practitioners a kind of safer method of sex for the prevention of Sexually Transmitted Dise ases, although in fact these kinds of diseases can be transmitted even during sexual intercourse without penetration if hygienic precautions are not taken.

Often the variousOutercourse sexual practices such as mutual masturbation, frottage, and outcourse are also preferred by young people as a type of sexual intercourse particularly reserved for a still exploratory stage in which the feasibility and stability of the love relationship are evaluated.

Finally, comparing to the world of gastronomic tasting choices and behaviors of those who practice non-penetrative sex, it must be said that sometimes it amuses and excites to reserve the juiciest part for last, or the part with the surprise !


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