If before leaving for vacation you think you will come back more relaxed you are very wrong, in fact it often happens that you come back more stressed and tired than before.
Sometimes it is also possible for the state of health to be affected, so that you come back sick or even with trauma and injury.
All this happens because in those few days of vacation, those who usually work and do no physical activity find themselves wanting to devote a lot of time to sports.
Scuba diving, water skiing, tennis, soccer, so many hours of sun exposure and exaggerated meals negatively affect the physique of usually passive people.
Vacation is synonymous with relaxation and fun, in fact you feel lighter and carefree, able to take things in a different spirit, doing everything you don’t do during the work year. However, this should by no means affect our bodies and health, as we return from this carefree period and need to come to terms with the start of a new work year.