Today, compared with years past, barbiturate poisoning has greatly decreased, as they are no longer prescribable as before. Short- and medium-acting barbiturates are more toxic than long-acting ones. The mode of action has not yet been clarified.
Signs and symptoms
With a barbiturate overdose there is a loss of consciousness and a deep depression of breathing. You can also have a cardiovascular collapse that is accompanied by renal failure. They are very pulmonary complications are common, and bullous lesions may appear.
Diagnosis and treatment
The picture of barbiturate overdose is not much different from coma due to other causes. Diagnosis can only be unequivocal through blood samples. Most patients are treated by avoiding stimulants and antidotes. Emptying the stomach can be very helpful if done within 6 to 8 hours of ingestion.
Source: Vadecum of poisoning therapy by Roy Goulding