Can bipolar disorder be prevented?

Prevention with this disorder is not comparable to what is required for other clinical conditions, as it is a disorder of the mind that affects the mood sphere, but intervening in a timely manner at the first signs of mental illness is a definite advantage with respect to the future condition of the sick person, thus preventing the worsening of the illness.

Heavy metals and metalloids: iron

Metallic iron does not give toxicity problems, although there are people with congenital defects in matabolism, for whom it behaves like a poison. Iron salts are pharmaceuticals for the treatment

Ticks: how to get rid of them

A tick can remain in the skin for days without the victim being aware of it, as its bite is painless. Many bites are harmless, but some

What is the intragastric balloon?

The intragastric balloon is inserted through endoscopic intervention into the stomach. It induces a partial filling of the stomach, causing the subject to feel full, which turns him or her

Anaphylactic shock

Anaphylactic shock is the acute allergic reaction to exposure to allergens to which the patient had become sensitized, leading to The rapid release of mediators from mast cells and basophils.

Forced diuresis during poisoning

Once a toxic agent has distributed into the tissues and organs of the patient, the harmful action will continue to persist until an antidote to it Will neutralize. Obviously,

Heavy metals: lithium

Lithium is a metal that is quite widely used in industry. Lithium carbonate is prescribed for the treatment of manic-depressive psychosis. The action that lithium plays at the molecular level

Muscle injuries

A muscle tear occurs when the muscle is forced beyond its range of motility. RICE procedures must be used. Cramps are spasms uncontrolled muscles, causing pain and loss of

Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy

Coagulopathy is related to different clinical pictures, involving the activation of the process of coagulation resulting in thrombus deposition in the microcircle and consumption of coagulation factors and platelets.

Carbamate insecticides: what are they?

Carbamate insecticides are being used more and more often as commercial pesticides. The pharmacological action is similar to that of the organophosphorus compounds, with the difference that binding to cholinesterases

Methods of poisoning: barbiturates


Today, compared with years past, barbiturate poisoning has greatly decreased, as they are no longer prescribable as before. Short- and medium-acting barbiturates are more toxic than long-acting ones. The mode of action has not yet been clarified.

Signs and symptoms

With a barbiturate overdose there is a loss of consciousness and a deep depression of breathing. You can also have a cardiovascular collapse that is accompanied by renal failure. They are very pulmonary complications are common, and bullous lesions may appear.

Diagnosis and treatment

The picture of barbiturate overdose is not much different from coma due to other causes. Diagnosis can only be unequivocal through blood samples. Most patients are treated by avoiding stimulants and antidotes. Emptying the stomach can be very helpful if done within 6 to 8 hours of ingestion.

Source: Vadecum of poisoning therapy by Roy Goulding


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