Emergency measures during a poisoning.

“Dum spiro spero” may be a simple aphorism, but it sets a high bar for the treatment of the poisoned patient, as any deficit in the patient’s oxygenation can impair

Shock in children

Shock is the condition in which the circulatory supply is Insufficient to meet the body’s metabolic needs. Tissue hypoperfusion can be realized through three mechanisms: the reduction of global blood

Formaldehyde: what is it?

Formaldehyde is a gas that dissolves in water, resulting in a formalin solution. In the atmosphere, formaldehyde gas is very irritating and causes coughing, tearing, eye burning and pain, bronchial

Anaphylactic shock

Anaphylactic shock is the acute allergic reaction to exposure to allergens to which the patient had become sensitized, leading to The rapid release of mediators from mast cells and basophils.

Mercury Poisoning

Mercury when ingested has no effect in the body. The tiny droplets of mercury react with hydrochloric acid in the stomach to form chloride. Instead, when mercury comes into contact

Poisonings: clinical monitoring

Laboratory investigations date back more than 150 years, when analysis was first used. quantitative chemistry. The main purpose was to solve cases uncertain legal. The transition from the cautious and

Emesis in case of poisoning

Despite the lavender gastric is undeniably useful, it has many features reminiscent of a barbarian assault, so it is best to avoid using this method with the young children. When

Suction of a foreign body

This is an event Very common in pediatric age. It is manifested by coughing and reduced vesicular murmur. The medical history is usually indicative, along with the picture that can

Main types of poisoning: salicylates

The most common type of poisoning is from aspirin, a drug that contains acetylsalicylic acid. Aspirin tablets are very popular among adults intent on poisoning. In the body, salicylates exert

Gastric lavage in case of poisoning


To perform gastric lavage, it is important to keep a few points in mind:

  • Be sure that you have ingested a dangerous dose of a toxic substance
  • That the ingestion Of the substance has been carried out for no more than 4-6 hours
  • That the patient does not vomited

The procedure to be performed is as follows:

  1. Place a balloon endotracheal catheter to protect bronchi and lungs in the comatose patient;
  2. Place the patient on the left side with the head on the bank or end of the lett
  3. The pipe used must be of appropriate diameter
  4. With the help of a Dakin syringe, aspirate the stomach contents. Administer, then, 300 cc of heated water, and perform other washes, each of 300-600 cc of water, until the aspirated liquid is clear. Tap water or specific preparations such as iron salts, opium, household bleach, axalic acid, oral cyanide can be used as the washing liquid.

Source: Roy Goulding’s Vademecum of Poisoning Therapy.


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