Epileptic seizure: what to do?

The seizures are self-limiting and very often do not allow a rapid intervention. It is necessary, therefore, to keep some pointers in mind: Preventing lessons that the patient might unintentionally

Complications in bipolar disorder

From the clinical point of view, it should be mentioned that sometimes bipolar disorder may be accompanied by some pre-existing conditions that may aggravate an already quite serious condition, with more intense symptoms, for which the applied therapy may yield results of lesser effectiveness. But which ones are the most present?

Types of poisoning: chloralose

Chloralose is a derivative of chloral hydrate. The portion of the latter that is released into the body is rapidly metabolized to trichloroethyl alcohol. This substance is a central nervous

Bruises: what to do?

Contusions form when a blunt object strikes certain parts of the body, rupturing subcutaneous blood vessels. There is no discharge of blood, and usually the bruises are swollen and painful,

Poisoning by anticoaugulants

Anticoagulants are based on warfarin and related substances. The material found commercially is ready to be diluted, so that the content of baits prepared to keep rodent populations down is

What is melena?

When we talk about melena, we refer to the presence of blood in the stool. Bleeding is typically located in the upper part of the ‘digestive tract above the ileocecal

Formaldehyde: what is it?

Formaldehyde is a gas that dissolves in water, resulting in a formalin solution. In the atmosphere, formaldehyde gas is very irritating and causes coughing, tearing, eye burning and pain, bronchial

Tetany: what to do?

Tetany is divided into: manifest, latent and alkalosic. Symptoms of manifest tetany include muscle aches and cramps, opisthotonos, paresthesias or stiffness in the hands and feet. Convulsions, laryngospasms, and carpo-podal

Anaphylactic shock

Anaphylactic shock is the acute allergic reaction to exposure to allergens to which the patient had become sensitized, leading to The rapid release of mediators from mast cells and basophils.

Anaphylactic shock

Free picture (Anaphylactic shock) from

Anaphylactic shock is the acute allergic reaction to exposure to allergens to which the patient had become sensitized, leading to The rapid release of mediators from mast cells and basophils. The anaphylactoid reaction, to which the child is subjected causes the same symptoms as an allergy and is treated through the same therapy.

Symptoms occur immediately after exposure to the allergen. The most common symptoms are tingling sensation, itching and feeling of heat on the scalp, palms of the hands and soles of the feet, oral itching, constricted feeling in the throat, hoarseness, swollen feeling in the lips and tongue.

It is necessary to immediately remove the child from the cause of shock and proceed with some tests. In addition, it is important to administer oxygen, elevate the little patient’s limbs, and inject adrenaline.

Source: Mediserve‘s Medical Emergencies in Pediatrics.


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