Hip replacement and restorative surgery

The total hip replacement, consisting of a spherical shaped part and a socket, is made of metal or even can be made of a type of ceramic or plastic (polyethylene) and has several components, including the hip ball itself.

Less-pause = + time for you

In fact, when people talk about menopause, they think of hormones, osteoporosis, mood swings, irritability, exhaustion, hot flashes, and forgetfulness that make every awakening for many women like the beginning of a new battle.

Hashimoto’s thyroid

When the immune system launches an attack on the thyroid gland, the small gland located under the Adam's apple, which produces hormones that regulate so many functions of the human body.

Lumbago (back pain) as a sign of other diseases

Low back pain (Lumbalgia) is a very common symptom in the population that may depend on bad habits or inappropriate lifestyles, but sometimes it can also be a warning sign for some diseases that may choose to target just the spine and more specifically the lumbar area.

Injury of the fingers and toes

FRACTURE/LUXATION For detect a fracture it is necessary for the patient to test the percussion, holding the fingers in full extension on a solid surface. Firmly strike the fingertips, and



The term “gonarthrosis” refers to arthrosis that develops at the level of the knee; in terms of causes, nature, characteristics and evolution, it is completely superimposable to arthrosis affecting other joints of the body, but in the more advanced and severe forms it can have particularly disabling outcomes in relation to its location and the impairment of the ability to walk.

Knee osteoarthritis is a chronic degenerative condition associated with aging and favored by trauma and wear and tear, primarily involving cartilage and articular bone surfaces; it is widespread in the adult population worldwide, but results in significant complaints and symptoms in only a fraction of people who have the characteristic bone changes that can be detected on radiography.

he degenerative process begins to set in as early as 35-40 years of age among both men and women, gradually becoming more pronounced in the following decades.


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Hip fracture

Hip fracture is a serious injury with life-threatening complications. Most hip fractures occur at the femur, the long bone that extends from the pelvis to the knee. The part most

Magnetic resonance imaging

Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), also more simply called magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), is an extremely sensitive and informative diagnostic imaging technique based on the use of electromagnetic fields that are

Cervical arthrosis

Cervical osteoarthritis is a chronic osteoarticular condition that is very common after the age of 40-50 years in people of both sexes and from all parts of the world, due


Rickets is a condition characterized by a severe impairment of bone mineralization, resulting in fragility and the onset of skeletal deformities at multiple levels, which mainly affects infants and children

Arthrosis of the hip

Osteoarthritis of the hip is also called coxarthrosis and is a chronic degenerative disease of the hip joint due to progressive disruption of articular cartilage. Hip osteoarthritis can be primary


Low back pain, or more simply back pain, is a disorder involving the muscles and bones of the back. It is extremely widespread and affects a very high percentage of

Shock, medical emergency

It may happen that the circulation of blood through the body undergoes a sudden change giving rise to a condition of physiological shock, with decreased flow and crisis on the

Hallux valgus

Hallux valgus is a deformity of the foot consisting of the departure of the head of the first metatarsal from the others. In this condition, there is lateral deviation of

Muscle contractures and cramps

A muscle cramp is a sudden, involuntary contraction of one or more muscles. Muscle cramps can cause severe pain; although they are generally harmless, they can make it temporarily impossible

Calcaneal spur

Calcaneal spur refers to a thorn or hook-shaped bony protuberance (osteophyte) that results from an abnormal calcification process that can occur at the level of the calcaneus bone, under the

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