Regular physical activity is good for all ages. E even if you are no longer very young and have never been a great sportsman, it is not never too late to start. Especially if you are a woman, the small effort of willpower and modest effort will be repaid by increased well-being general, from a feeling of greater physical strength and vitality, from muscles more tonics and, not least, by improving balance. All factors that contribute not only to improving the quality of life and preserving autonomy, but also to reduce the risk of falls and fractures associated with bone depletion and osteoporosis, which after the age of 70 can have particularly negatives. This is confirmed by a recent study by theWomen’s Health Initiative .
Hair falling out more than usual? Here’s why
Hair is strongly affected by health status
general organism, but also the lifestyle one leads, the
stress level, the medications one takes, and, in both men and
women, of hormone