Dental abscess: treatment and remedies

Have you noticed that you have a dental abscess? In this article you will find out what it is specifically, what causes this problem and what remedies you can use

Vitamin D: from sunshine to prevention

Scientific studies show that human beings cannot do without this valuable element, which is necessary for health and disease prevention. Where can we draw it from in nature? To what

Neck and back injuries

In the case of a traffic accident, from falls or from diving, all victims should be treated as if they had a spinal cord injury. As a result, victims may

Renal colic: how does it manifest?

The renal colic is a symptom related to the migration of a stone through the ureter. It is possible that in this way the urothelial wall becomes irritated or are

Children and car travel: preventing boredom

A road trip with children definitely involves ad hoc organization. Think about games to propose, bring along a tablet to entertain him with cartoons and snacks for him to munch on during the trip.

Headache and Covid 19

In fact, patients with COVID 19 may present with various neurological symptoms, and among these, one of the most common is headaches.

Knowing how to unplug from work during the vacations

It is important to remember that relaxation and self-care are not just luxuries: they are essential to avoid negative consequences, such as discomfort, discomfort, or slipping into a particular condition such as what has been termed burn-out.

Protect sleep by avoiding bad habits

It is known to all that good physical and mental fitness can depend on many factors, but certainly sleep is one of the foundational factors of well-being.



Anemia is the clinical condition in which the hemoglobin rate is less than the third percentile relative to the patient’s age group.

Symptoms appear in relation to the rapidity of onset, severity of anemia, and underlying pathology. If it is a rapid onset, headache, dizziness, tachycardia, and postural hypotension appear. At slow onset, however, pallor, progressive asthenia, irritability, and fatigue appear.

Essential laboratory tests are CBC with leukocyte formula, peripheral blood smear, VCM, reticulitis. In case of trauma or gastrointestinal bleeding, it is necessary to exclude diseases that require surgery. In case of clinical symptomatology with oxygen insufficiency, immediate transfusion therapy is recommended.

Another emergency situation is renal failure during massive intravascular hemolysis. Symptoms include lumbar ligament pain, hemoglobinuria, and progressive oliguria and anuria. Therapy in these cases requires intravenous hyperhydration and furosemide.

Source: Medical Emergencies in Pediatrics by Mediserve edited by Maurizio Vanelli



Ablation of atrial fibrillation

Atrial fibrillation (AF) ablation surgery is a surgical procedure aimed at eliminating the source of the cardiac arrhythmia through the selective destruction of small portions of the cardiac tissue present

Ventricular hypertrophy

Ventricular hypertrophy is a condition characterized by thickening and a loss of elasticity of the walls of the left ventricle (i.e., the left lower chamber of the heart), which thus

Blow to the heart

A “heart murmur” is not in itself a pathology , but merely a signal that the blood inside the heart is flowing too fast or in a “disordered” manner, producing

Cardiac arrest

Cardiac arrest corresponds to the interruption of the heart’s contraction and pumping action, resulting from a sudden and drastic alteration in its electrical activity (ventricular fibrillation). Cardiac arrest is an

Intracranial hypertension

Increased pressure within the head box may be related to cerebral edema or the presence of an intracranial expansive lesion, an obstruction of CSF circulation, or the association of these

Carotid stenosis

Carotid artery stenosis corresponds to a narrowing of the caliber of the carotid arteries, which are the main blood vessels supplying the brain with oxygen- and nutrient-rich blood (particularly glucose),


Atherosclerosis is a pathological process that leads to the progressive formation of localized deposits composed mainly of fat and cholesterol and platelets (atheromas or atherosclerotic plaques) within the walls of

Venous insufficiency

Venous insufficiency and associated vascular disorders, such as varicose veins and telangiectasias (superficial capillaries), mainly affect the venous vessels of the legs and arms and are mainly related to the


1/10 – What is lymphedema Lymphedema is a chronic pathological condition mainly manifested by swelling of a region of the body due to the accumulation of lymph in the tissues.

Aortic valvulopathy

When the aortic valve does not properly perform its function of pumping blood into the heart, an aortic disease condition occurs that also involves the left ventricle. Aortic valve disease

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