Sight: when it is transiently reduced

Nowadays, when eyes are used intensively and protractedly, often in inadequate lighting conditions, suffering from some visual defect or transient eye irritation and fatigue is quite common at any age.

The effect of the gut microbiota on drugs

In recent years, the gut microbiota, that is, the set of microorganisms that we host in our gut and with which we constantly interact, has been attracting extreme interest because

Memory loss from drugs

Tranquilizers, prescribed to reduce anxiety and agitation, or even drugs such as sleeping pills can act on memory by reducing it, but they are not the only ones since antihypertensive

Magnesium: why it is needed, where to find it

Magnesium is an essential mineral for efficient muscle contraction and nervous system function, as well as needed to optimize sugar and bone metabolism, counter migraine and PMS, and more. To

What color are your nails?

Light pink or more intense, whitish, yellowish, yellow-greenish, blue-purple, brown or black. We are talking about nail color, but don’t think about nail polishes. The shades that a “natural” nail

Itching from stinging plant

The skin may also react to a stinging plant, such as poison ivy, a plant well known to be responsible for an itchy rash. Skin sensitivity can also affect many other

Eyes: here’s why they water

When you cry, you almost always know why, but when your eyes begin to water on their own understanding the reason may not be so simple. It may be the

Are our toilet habits normal?

Does it often happen that you have to get up during the night to urinate? Is the “hesitant bladder” a real thing? And when should one seek medical attention?

Are you protecting your eyes?


Sight is the most valuable asset. And those who suffer from common vision disorders, such as myopia or presbyopia, or the annoying and increasingly common dry eye syndrome know that this is not just a popular saying. Seeing well is crucial to ensuring a good quality of life, so it is essential to take a few steps every day to protect your eyes and have regular checkups, especially during childhood and after age 40. How do you guys deal with it? Here is a test to find out.


  • Profile picture of Dott. Massimo Carotenuto
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    General Surgeons, Basic Doctors

    • Via Lepanto 95 - Pompei
  • Profile picture of Dott. Sandro Morganti
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Orthopedists, Basic Doctors, Osteopaths

    • Via Foligno 6 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dr. Giandomenico Mascheroni
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Endocrinologists, Basic Doctors, Certifying Doctor

    • Via Petrarca 53 - Carnago
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Cinzia Maria Zurra
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Basic Doctors, Aesthetic Doctors, Nutritionists

    • Viale Rimembranze 5 - Triuggio
  • Profile picture of Dr. Squillante Gianni Erminio
    active 3 years, 10 months ago

    Acupuncturists, Homeopathic Medicine, Basic Doctors

    • Via Monterotondo 14 - Roma


Degenerative maculopathy

Degenerative maculopathy is an irreversible disease that affects the macula, the central part of the retina. The result is a progressive loss of visual ability. There are two distinct forms

Dry eye

Dry eye syndrome sets in when the superficial tear film that protects, irrigates, and nourishes the outer layers of the eye, particularly the cornea and conjunctiva, is too poor or


Glaucoma is a serious eye disease that can cause blindness, mainly due to increased pressure inside the eye that damages the optic nerve. The disease can occur at any age,


Cataract is an eye condition brought about by opacification of the lens of the eye, the lens that is passed through by light directed to the retina and essential for

Sjögren’s syndrome

Sjögren’s syndrome is a chronic autoimmune-based systemic disease that causes malfunction of various exocrine secreting glands (i.e., those that spill secreted material onto the surface of the tissue in which


Hypermetropia is an eye condition in which the eyeball is too short and does not allow proper focusing. In the farsighted eye, light rays from a distance are focused beyond

Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is aninflammation of the mucosa lining the inner cavities of the nose (nasal mucosa).

Diabetic retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy is an ocular condition in which there is progressive damage to the retina and subsequent gradual decline in visual acuity. It is one of the most feared complications


Keratitis is an ocular condition caused by inflammation of the cornea, the transparent membrane that lines the central anterior part of the eye, at the iris and pupil, and that


Myopia is a refractive defect in which the image of distant objects is formed in front of the retina, rather than on the retina itself, making vision indistinct, while vision

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