Memory loss from drugs

Tranquilizers, prescribed to reduce anxiety and agitation, or even drugs such as sleeping pills can act on memory by reducing it, but they are not the only ones since antihypertensive

Coronavirus and high blood pressure

Recent research indicates that people with high blood pressure may be more likely to be exposed to CVID-19, and also have more symptoms or risk their lives from this infection.Here’s

Worrying too much is bad for your health

In the face of any problem, worrying excessively only makes the situation worse. Not only because it prevents one from focusing and rationally analyzing critical issues and strategies to deal

Mental illness, what a struggle

Psychiatric disorders are not only mentally exhausting to manage. Depression and anxiety, for example, also weigh heavily on the physical level, making it difficult to perform everyday activities easily and

Memory loss caused by head trauma

Sometimes a head injury can create a temporary loss of memory and not remember things just done throughout the day. Once you make sure you have had no consequences from

Signs that foretell migraine attack

In the case of migraine or other forms of headache, the first advice is to take an anti-inflammatory and/or analgesic medication from the earliest warning, to nip the pain in

Perhaps a little dehydrated

When one is thirsty and feels the need to drink, it is already a sign of dehydration. Fatigue may also depend on a dehydration condition. The body has a constant

Could COVID-19 cause a stroke? Let’s look at the signs


A new and worrisome expression of Covid-19 infection was highlighted.
There are good reasons to believe that this virus could raise the risk of stroke in adults. Here’s what cardiologists believe you need to know.


  • Profile picture of Dott. Domenico Napolitano
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Gynecologists, Basic Doctors, Aesthetic Doctors

    • Viale Orazio Flacco 5 - Bari
  • Profile picture of Dr. Fabio Fabi
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Sports Doctors, Internist, Basic Doctors

    • Via Sarsina 147 - Roma
  • Profile picture of Dr. Roberto Zaffaroni
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Basic Doctors, Therapist

    • Via San Francesco D' Assisi 5 - Varese
  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Izabella Sylwia Bartosiewicz
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Basic Doctors, Rheumatologists

  • Profile picture of Dott.ssa Maria Grazia Caruana
    active 4 years, 1 month ago

    Aesthetic Doctors, Basic Doctors

    • Viale Prassilla 41 - Roma


Cardiac Echodoppler

The echocardiogram, also known as echocardiography, is a diagnostic imaging technique based on the use of ultrasound, which is quick and easy to perform, harmless, painless, and low-cost, and because

Blow to the heart

A “heart murmur” is not in itself a pathology , but merely a signal that the blood inside the heart is flowing too fast or in a “disordered” manner, producing

Peripheral arteriopathy obliterans

Peripheral arteriopathy obliterans is a vascular disease that affects the arteries, especially those in the legs, preventing the muscles and tissues from receiving adequate blood supply, resulting in symptoms of

Aortic aneurysm

An aortic aneurysm refers to permanent dilatation of a well-defined segment of the aorta, the largest artery in the body that receives blood directly from the left ventricle and distributes

Heart failure

Heart failure corresponds to a condition in which the heart is unable to receive and/or pump blood with sufficient force to the lungs and the rest of the body, due

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT)

Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when a clot (thrombus) forms within a vein and completely or partially occludes it, blocking or restricting blood flow in that vessel. In principle, any

Venous insufficiency

Venous insufficiency and associated vascular disorders, such as varicose veins and telangiectasias (superficial capillaries), mainly affect the venous vessels of the legs and arms and are mainly related to the

Heart failure (acute)

Acute Heart Failure (AHF) is a potentially life-threatening clinical condition that can result from the worsening of an already diagnosed chronic heart failure (heart failure) or represent its onset event.

Diseases of the heart valves

Heart valve diseases comprise a large group of structural alterations and dysfunctions, congenital or more often acquired, that prevent the valves that separate the different chambers of the heart (atria

Cardiac arrest

Cardiac arrest corresponds to the interruption of the heart’s contraction and pumping action, resulting from a sudden and drastic alteration in its electrical activity (ventricular fibrillation). Cardiac arrest is an

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