Symptoms of depression

-Hard to concentrate and remember details or particulars . Difficulty in making decisions -Sense of fatigue and precariousness. -Feelings of guilt, worthlessness and helplessness -Humor oriented pessimism and sense of

Art also positively influences health

At St. Joseph’s Hospital Di Milano, life and art come to light thanks to “Curarsi ad Arte,” an exhibition itinerary of care and culture now in its second edition. At

Headache and Covid 19

In fact, patients with COVID 19 may present with various neurological symptoms, and among these, one of the most common is headaches.

Cluster headaches

Cluster headache causes a sharp pain at the temple or around the eye, on one side of the head only, that lasts for a fairly short period of time (usually

The psychological aspects of Peyronie’s disease

All this naturally reverberates on the couple's relationship, with the triggering of bad moods, misunderstandings, etc. Especially if due to shame or an unestablished relationship, there is no communication between the partners in this regard.

Sexual desire in the various ages of life

It may seem easy to define it, but despite the many studies conducted, the composition of the structure of sexual desire, what elements make it up and to what extent they may influence it, is still unclear.

Mens sana in corpore sano!

Even the Ancient Romans were aware of the positive correlation between exercise and mental activity. But not all sports are the same. Which sports promote mental activity and what is

Sports practice in diabetes and glycemic syndromes

The modern orientation toward physical activity and sports, including competitive sports, in diabetic disease is to no longer consider diabetes as an impediment to experiencing and enjoying sports and exercise.

When we are stressed we have more difficulty perceiving danger


We are often mistakenly led to think that a high-stress situation gives us the ability to pay more attention to the dangers around us, increasing our state of alertness, or perhaps making our senses more overpowering and able to pick up on any detail. But the reality is not always this, in fact most of the time the opposite happens! In fact, stress would only diminish our perception of pitfalls and dangers.

The study

This thesis was pursued by a team of New York University scholars, led by researcher Candace Raio, and published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. According to the study, in fact, stress decreases our abilities in perceiving danger and predicting new dangerous stimuli. It thus contributes to making our bodies less flexible to the new forms that a threat might take, making us very vulnerable and thus putting our own health at risk in certain situations (think, for example, when we are driving or handling dangerous objects). According to Candare Raio in fact, “When we are under stress, we pay less attention to changes in the environment, exposing ourselves to increased risk precisely because we ignore new sources of danger.”

The test

To reach this conclusion, New York University scholars subjected some volunteers to a conditioning test divided into two phases. In the first phase, all participants viewed a series of photos, some of which were accompanied by a small electric shock on the wrist. The photos with the discharge depicted images of danger, those without, on the other hand, depicted harmless situations. The following day half of the participants (the unlucky ones we would say) underwent a procedure to increase the stress levels in their bodies: they had to immerse their arm in ice water for a few minutes in order to increase the levels of certain stress hormones, such as cortisol and the alpha amylase.

At this point the test was repeated again, however, reversing the shocks, which this time were carried out with the “safe” images. According to the researchers’ measurements, participants under stress showed a slower physiological reaction in ‘detecting new dangers, almost as if they had not grasped at all that the dangerous stimuli had changed. In fact, stress inhibited their ability to learn, interfering with their ability to associate shock with danger.

This is very important research, as learning how to quickly intercept dangers, or even predict them, can be very important for our safety and survival. So is being resilient and adapting quickly to the transformations that danger can have from one moment to the next.


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