Gas Colic: annoyance, disorder, or disease?

If the gas in the digestive system remains compressed and Its pathway is obstructed that is when the pain appears, which may present itself as mild and short-lived or as persistent, strong, and increasing, at least until the gas is expelled.

Mitral valve repair: new surgical instruments

A new surgical tool for mitral valve repair: simplifies valve repair, avoiding recourse to open-heart surgery Researchers studying this new device to repair the mitral valve report results on the

Peptic ulcer: what is it?

Peptic ulcer is a disease of considerable social importance. Current data show that in Western countries, 2% of the population has an active ulcer, while 6-15% have presented clinical manifestations

Can glaucoma be prevented?

The most significant prevention of glaucoma lies in having an eye examination at the onset of the first complaints or specific symptoms of eye disease.

Thyroid and pregnancy

It is necessary to observe these symptoms during pregnancy and report them to your doctor in time, especially because usually some of them such as fatigue and weight gain are also present during a normal pregnancy, so they might be taken as normal and not alert the person who is affected.


Rubella is an acute exanthematous infectious disease caused by a RNA virus of the genus Rubivirus of the family Togaviridae. It manifests as a rash similar to those of measles

Are our toilet habits normal?

Does it often happen that you have to get up during the night to urinate? Is the “hesitant bladder” a real thing? And when should one seek medical attention?

Freezing: how to treat it?

Freezing of the skin occurs only when temperatures are below 0 degrees. In this case, the skin is cold and white or bluish in color. The victim has no sensitivity

Excessive salivation: what to do?


Excessive salivation or hypersalivation may be the result of other problems such as infection, oral mucosal affection, or poisoning, but it may also not result from a previous condition but be a consequence of stress or anxiety.
Salivation in the teething period, on the other hand, is a completely natural occurrence in the months after birth; it is also common with advancing age in the senescence period due to tooth loss and gum recession.

Read more.


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    Sports Doctors, Internist, Basic Doctors

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The paranasal sinuses are four pairs of cavities located within the bones of the facial massif; they communicate via bony canals and orifices with the nasal cavities, which in turn


Xerostomia, also known as “dry Imouth” or “dry mouth,” refers to a condition in which the salivary glands do not produce enough saliva to keep the mouth wet.   Saliva


Adenoids are masses of lymphatic tissue that help the body fight infection. The adenoids are located in the pharynx, just behind the nose; along with the tonsils, they are the

Periodontal disease

Periodontitis, also called periodontal disease, begins with bacterial growth in the mouth and can end-if not properly treated-with tooth lossdue to destruction of the tissue surrounding the teeth. Gingivitis (inflammation


The trachea is an organ of the respiratory system, part of the lower airway and located between the larynx and bronchi. It is a tubular hollow viscera whose primary function


The tonsils are lymphoglandular organs found in the oral cavity and perform a function of protecting the respiratory system from microorganisms in the air. They are divided into four major

Oral candidiasis

Oral candidiasis, also called thrush, is a condition characterized by the accumulation on oral mucous membranes of the fungus Candida albicans. It is an infectious and resistant pathogen that can

Allergic rhinitis

Allergic rhinitis is aninflammation of the mucosa lining the inner cavities of the nose (nasal mucosa).

Dental abscess

A dental abscess is a pocket of pus caused by a bacterial infection. Abscess can occur in different regions of the tooth and for different reasons. A periapical abscess occurs


Dental caries is a degenerative disease of the tooth hard tissues (enamel and dentin) that produces small openings or holes. It has a bacterial basis and is caused by microorganisms

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